Recent content by FreelancerHH

  1. F

    [021] Bitcoin payment [Deleted]

    Hi @021 We bought your add-on on February 17th, 2021, incl. 6 months of free updates. We are unable to download the update 1.4.0 from August 2021 although it should be included in the 6 months period. Please...
  2. F

    XenForo Cloud discussion

    This sounds great to me. Maybe together with a sort of verification process for existing resources/developers (identity, location match, code stability, uniqueness of code, no dumb beginner mistakes, no beginner updates in the past [inexperienced developers], no hacks of the own servers in the...
  3. F

    Native Mobile Apps [Paid]

    Could you please explain this? Maybe it's just caused by the missing words, spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes etc., but I don't get it... Thank you!
  4. F

    Criteria Builder

    I have the same issue, @aleo : (...) <span class=sf-dump-num>0</span> </pre> <script>Sfdump("sf-dump-100xxxxxxx")</script> (...) Plus a <script> and <style> section for the dumps. The development mode is disabled, so debugging turned off. Maybe @CMTV could help here?
  5. F

    XF 2.2 return thread URL by ID - opposite of getThreadFromUrl()

    Is there an opposite of the function getThreadFromUrl() in Repository\Thread.php? I would like to retrieve the completely SEO friendly URL (incl. processed route) of a thread by providing its ID.
  6. F

    RM 2.2 Update/edit own resources

    Thank you! I just created a suggestion thread:
  7. F

    Update/edit own resources - separate permissions

    Hi, related to this thread I would like to suggest: A way to split the permissions to update and edit an own resource separately. I would like to allow certain resource owners to update their resources only, but not edit...
  8. F

    RM 2.2 Update/edit own resources

    Hi, I didn't find a similar question so far. Is there a way to split the permissions to update and edit an own resource? I would like to allow certain resource owners to update their resources only, but not edit them. Currently it's a combined permission: "Update/edit own resources" Thank you...
  9. F

    Native app for communities

    @meganrose Please send me a DM with the price. Thank you!
  10. F

    [021] Bitcoin payment [Deleted]

    Thank you for your help. It was a problem at the client area of the add-on supplier, we solved it.
  11. F

    [021] Bitcoin payment [Deleted]

    How can I download the 1.1.2 update you released 2 days ago? The section "Purchased Resources" at shows an empty page, without any purchase or download link:
  12. F

    [MMO] Hide Bb-Code Content System

    Yes, of course.
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