Recent content by Frank Ulmer

  1. Frank Ulmer

    Icewind Staff [Deleted]

    update, I got it (at least hope so :) ) <dt>{xen:hrase last_activity}:</dt> <xen:datetime time="{$user.last_activity}" />
  2. Frank Ulmer

    Icewind Staff [Deleted]

    first of all, this is a great addon. But I do need the last activity displayed too. I´m not a developer at all and have no idea to implement this. I have already edited the iwd_staff_member_list_item and inserted the following: <dt>{xen:phrase last_activity}:</dt>$user.lastActivity Sure I can...
  3. Frank Ulmer

    Design issue Register with german umlaut in e-mail domain

    I guess, we will into the same issues next year. Our global database will allow Umlaute in Mail-addresses within the next two or three month. All our forum members do need a company account. There is a internal script, which handles the registration process "outside" Xenforo by redirecting the...
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