Recent content by Fitness Bilim

  1. F

    [Xen-Soluce] Avatar Gallery

    ErrorException: [E_NOTICE] Undefined index: extension src/addons/XenSoluce/AvatarGallery/XF/Pub/Controller/Register.php:52 This error message drops when opening the recording screen.
  2. F

    [J] Forum List Tabs

    How can we do it in floating Tab shape?
  3. F

    [TH] Question and Answer Forums [Deleted]

    LogicException: Attempted to set 'th_answered_qaforum' while a save was pending without forceSet src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php:575 What is the problem?
  4. F

    XPress - A theme and bridge for bringing WordPress into XenForo [Deleted]

    TypeError: Argument 1 passed to XPress::getXFUser() must be an instance of WP_User, boolean given, called in /home/***/public_html/wp-content/themes/wp-xpress-theme/inc/template-tags.php on line 330 /home/***/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-xpress-plugin/src/XPress.php:1779 What is the problem?
  5. F

    XPress - A theme and bridge for bringing WordPress into XenForo [Deleted]

    I get an error when I press Generate accounts. and this alert is not going on the home screen. How do I end it manually?
  6. F

    XPress - A theme and bridge for bringing WordPress into XenForo [Deleted]

    I get this error when I click Generate accounts. I'm having the same problem. It also gives an error when I want to delete the comment permanently.
  7. F

    Image Optimizer for XF 2.0 [Paid]

    Error: ErrorException: Job Truonglv\ImageOptimizer\Job\Optimizer: [E_WARNING] escapeshellarg() has been disabled for security reasons src/addons/Truonglv/ImageOptimizer/Images/JPEG.php:16 What is the problem?
  8. F

    XF 2.1 Reactions 👍😍🤣😲🙁😡

    Can we get other plugins in import?
  9. F

    [TH] Question and Answer Forums [Deleted]

    Error: Call to a member function last() on array src/addons/ThemeHouse/QAForums/XF/Pub/Controller/Thread.php:156 What is the problem. New message after.
  10. F

    [AddonFlare] (AJAX) Advanced Forum Stats [Deleted]

    Great publisher excellent support. You should definitely shop!
  11. F

    XPress - A theme and bridge for bringing WordPress into XenForo [Deleted]

    I made the switch. There is little character. they do not have full WordPress features. but I think it is better
  12. F

    XPress - A theme and bridge for bringing WordPress into XenForo [Deleted]

    Can we transfer WordPress members to xenforo?
  13. F

    Social Groups for XenForo [Paid]

    To prevent potential problems, please resolve the following warning before proceeding: This plugin contains the following files with unexpected content: src / addons / Snog / Groups / addon.json. What is the problem?
  14. F

    [TH] Question and Answer Forums [Deleted]

    question - answer can we include all the old topics in the marked forum? I have checked that it covers only newly opened topics?
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