Recent content by Felipe Figueroa Fagandini

  1. Felipe Figueroa Fagandini

    XF 1.1 Thread Prefixes

    Amazing! This gets me one step closer to switching over to xenforo! Congratz!
  2. Felipe Figueroa Fagandini

    What happens to social groups when importing from vB 3.8?

    uh. you're right. Let say only membergroups and their content would be misses. Hmmm it seems prefixes and tags too *frown*
  3. Felipe Figueroa Fagandini

    What happens to social groups when importing from vB 3.8?

    membergroups, visitor messages, galleries, and group discussions. It all of that is going to be lost, the only think I will miss would be membergroups and their content. I have about 200 membergroups and they are kind of active, so I'd appreciate a workaround.
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