Recent content by FedLounge

  1. FedLounge

    XF 2 X-smtpapi header development

    We send all our transactional emails via SMTP through Sendgrid, and we're looking to implement a LiveIntent ad unit into those emails. To expose the tags that LiveIntent needs, Sengrid requires us to implement an x-smtpapi header. We are looking for somebody to do some custom development to...
  2. FedLounge

    Email "payload" availability?

    Well it's Sendgrid, so if they don't know what it is, we're screwed lol
  3. FedLounge

    Email "payload" availability?

    They say it is not. I have sent them emails and even the template. It's something that is delivered from the system to their servers.
  4. FedLounge

    Email "payload" availability?

    We use SMTP to send our system emails, and I have a vendor that needs to see something they are calling the "payload" that is sent via SMTP for our transactional emails. Any ideas on how to obtain that from the server or admin panel?
  5. FedLounge

    ES 2.2 Enhanced Search 2.2 - Similar Threads

    I'm curious as to what part of the thread is queried by ES to generate the similar threads. Is it all of the posts, the tags, or just the title?
  6. FedLounge

    Similar threads [Paid]

    @AndyB Does this work in a sidebar widget?
  7. FedLounge

    sql query assistance

    Forgot to say thanks! This helped a lot. I have another query-- how to find out the usernames of all users who have watched a specific thread. Any ideas?
  8. FedLounge

    XF 2.2 Progressive web app

    Is there anything you need to do in settings to make push notifications work on Android?
  9. FedLounge

    sql query assistance

    Hello all. Do you know of any way to do an SQL query that will generate a list of user emails who have replied to a specific thread? Thanks!
  10. FedLounge

    XF 2.1 Hyperlink URLs without www

    Yes, that is how the forum software currently behaves. Is there a way to have it also link to anything with a TLD at the end of it, such as: In doing a search of my forums, we have 4x the number of results for than we have for Having...
  11. FedLounge

    XF 2.1 Hyperlink URLs without www

    Is there an option in Xenforo to allow anything with a .net or .com or whatever TLD to automatically be hyperlinked. Right now, it requires users to add a www. to the beginning of a URL, but more often than not, users just type in things like and it doesn't link.
  12. FedLounge

    Add-on Statistics

    It would be great if this would allow you to filter for specific nodes and threads.
  13. FedLounge

    [bd] Mails

    Yes, this is a big question for us regarding migration to XF 2.x. We're currently using Sendgrid, using BD Mails by @xfrocks . We send nearly 2 million emails per month from Xenforo via SendGrid, and we'd like to continue doing so. Any other large forum owners out there on 2.x still using...
  14. FedLounge

    [bd] Widget Framework

    On v 2.5.9 I'm getting a bunch of server errors: Fatal Error: syntax error, unexpected '{' - library/WidgetFramework/WidgetRenderer.php(498) : runtime-created function:1
  15. FedLounge


    Hi @Chris D Is it possible for you to update this add-on to reflect Rafflecopter's new code? <a class="rcptr" href="" rel="nofollow" data-raflid="xxxxxxxxxx" data-theme="classic" data-template="" id="rcwidget_dyqgm6cj">a Rafflecopter...
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