Recent content by fdavies2607

  1. fdavies2607

    XF 1.2 in bb media sites

    As far as i can see from the XML of your addon, it's only for the live stream embed which i've got sorted; I just need the callback code for the recordings which use a different formatting and embed code - or am I missing something?
  2. fdavies2607

    XF 1.2 in bb media sites

    Hi I have been able to add a media site for twitch live streams using the following: Match URL:{$id} Embed HTML: <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="426" width="700" id="live_embed_player_flash"...
  3. fdavies2607

    XF 1.1 set board to inactive, now unable to access

    yes sorry, looking at my first post i didn't make that apologies.
  4. fdavies2607

    XF 1.1 set board to inactive, now unable to access

    ive managed to fix it by restoring my public_html from last nights backup. it appears i tried to do too much at once. I set the board to inactive and then uploaded the upgrade files for XF 1.2 - As soon as i restored the backup which removed those files everything was fine.
  5. fdavies2607

    XF 1.1 set board to inactive, now unable to access

    when i go to mydomain/admin.php i just get the message I set when i set the board to inactive.
  6. fdavies2607

    XF 1.1 set board to inactive, now unable to access

    I set the board to inactive today so I could upgrade it to 1.2 and upgrade some addons, now when i attempt to access admin.php i just get the inactive message I set rather than being allowed to login to the admin panel. Is there somewhere in SQL I can set the board back to active so I can...
  7. fdavies2607

    Where do i find this styling element

    that works, thanks but does this not reside within the standard Style Properties area?
  8. fdavies2607

    Where do i find this styling element

    sorry, adjusted original post with imgur link instead.
  9. fdavies2607

    Where do i find this styling element

    I'd like the background of alerts and conversations to not be this bright red when hovered, but i cant figure out what controls it. thanks
  10. fdavies2607

    Twitter MediaSite BBcode [Deleted]

    I'm having the same issue as Case and tom2tom, and I've made the code replacement you suggested however this hasn't fixed it. Did you get to the bottom of the issue?
  11. fdavies2607

    [8WR] XenAtendo (Events)

    just a question about recurring events. i've installed this addon and then posted an event to occurr every fri/sat. however if you RSVP to one of the events it shows the date/time of the parent event it recurred from and the RSVP applied to ALL the recurring events.. is this correct?
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