Recent content by fataldragon59

  1. F

    XF 1.2 Upgrade 1.2.2 to 1.4?

    Awesome, thanks. I wasn't sure, and didn't really fancy trying until I knew exactly.
  2. F

    XF 1.2 Upgrade 1.2.2 to 1.4?

    Can I upgrade straight from 1.2.2 to 1.4? Or do I have to go through each update, like 1.2.2 > 1.3> 1.3.3> and so on?? Or what?
  3. F

    XF 1.2 Removing the menu bar, and having a drop down menu?

    I want to remove the menu bar (Marked in red) and add a drop down menu like the one on "Members (Marked in blue). Where would I go todo this? What template would I have to edit?
  4. F

    Template Modification System (TMS)

    Same issue here. Any specific reason why this add-on is still in the ACP after uninstalling it?
  5. F

    XF 1.2 Missing "Back to forum" button in ACP.

    I am a bit confused with this as I have never had this happen before, it's not a major issue, but I would rather have it fixed/working. As far as I know I have not edited anything that involves the ACP, so I don't know where to start. But it seems the little button that takes you back to the...
  6. F

    XF 1.1 Allow Moderators/Group to banned and IP banned?

    I don't know what you are on, but my English is fine. Also your post did not help at all. There I fixed my question. "I have two groups I need to allow access to the ban and IP ban commands, but I cannot seem to find an option in the ACP. Is there a way of allowing Moderators and certain...
  7. F

    XF 1.1 Allow Moderators/Group to banned and IP banned?

    I have two groups I need to allow access to the ban and IP ban commands, but I cannot seem to find an option in the ACP. Is there a way of allowing Moderators and certain groups to use these functions? EDIT: Happy Adam?
  8. F

    XF 1.1 UserName styling in Profile and UserTab/Popup.

    Ok, so I got the profile card, but I cannot find where I am supposed to edit for the Userbar and Profile page. Userbar (Assuming this is the Userbar): Profile Page:
  9. F

    XF 1.1 UserName styling in Profile and UserTab/Popup.

    Ok, so I have searched endlessly all over google and XenForo Forums and I cannot find an answer to this question. I want to change the UserName style in the Profile page, the UserTab and Profile Popup. How can I do this? Everything I am talking about is in the screenshots provided below...
  10. F

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    Oh I didn't know there was one thank you.
  11. F

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    Ok I have XenPorta installed and I do not want it's tab to be called Home I want it to be called News Feed, is there a way I can change the tab name?
  12. F

    XF 1.1 Latest post Rank color?

    Ok you know that name that displays on latest post and last message for a topic before you enter it? If so how can I make the rank color show up on that? Images below.
  13. F


    thats what I have take a look
  14. F


    I have a problem with flexile all my forum icons are blue squares I want blue speech bubbles instead but
  15. F


    hello anyone
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