Recent content by Erin Nicole

  1. Erin Nicole

    XF 2.2 Is it possible to make a website like this one with XF + some other software?

    Is it possible to make a website similar to in XF? That website uses Shopify which is expensive and IPB for their forum. I did purchase IPB BUT they frustratingly removed access to editing the CSS files. So, now I'm pissed off and in search of another software. My...
  2. Erin Nicole

    CLOSED[ ] - Your place to learn how to code!

    Yup. This is exactly the reason.
  3. Erin Nicole

    XF 2.2 Is it possible to use the resource manager as a store/marketplace?

    That shop thing doesn't lack anything. I'm looking to learn so I could create my own version so we don't have to pay for that. I'm looking as an alternative because my husband may not be ok with spending another $65 as he already thought $120 was expensive.
  4. Erin Nicole

    XF 2.2 Is it possible to use the resource manager as a store/marketplace?

    Darn. Do you know of any tutorials out there on coding XF addons? I'm at work so I haven't had a chance to look.
  5. Erin Nicole

    XF 2.2 Is it possible to use the resource manager as a store/marketplace?

    Is this the only way? That was my question. I already linked that addon in my OP.
  6. Erin Nicole

    XF 2.2 Is it possible to use the resource manager as a store/marketplace?

    We are selling our own goods/services. We have a fish breeding and aquaculture selling business. We are only selling our own products and intend on using Stripe to process payments since we can use Apple/Google pay through that as well.
  7. Erin Nicole

    XF 2.2 Is it possible to use the resource manager as a store/marketplace?

    I just purchased RM as my husband and I are starting up a business and he wants a forum/marketplace type site. I've used XF and IPB and we decided on XF because of the price. I've never used RM so I didn't know that in order to purchase things directly on the site, you seem to need some kind of...
  8. Erin Nicole

    [CinVin] Gravatar Tweaks [Deleted]

    Good to know about the beta. I haven’t tried using it myself so I’m not sure why this error occurred in the first place. I installed it, activated, and I’m using Ozzy’s avatar gallery for my account myself on my forum. It may have popped up when I went to set my avatar after installing both...
  9. Erin Nicole

    [OzzModz] Avatar Gallery

    Can’t edit my above post but I also checked my logs and I have this… Just wanted to report as it seems to be working fine but I’m not sure if this will pop up again… ErrorException: [E_NOTICE] Undefined offset: 5 src/XF/Mvc/Entity/AbstractCollection.php:69 Generated by: DudeThatsErin Feb 25...
  10. Erin Nicole

    [CinVin] Gravatar Tweaks [Deleted]

    Receiving this error… ErrorException: [E_NOTICE] Undefined offset: 1 src/addons/CinVin/GravatarTweaks/XF/Entity/User.php:89 Generated by: DudeThatsErin Feb 25, 2022 at 9:41 PM Stack Trace #0 src/addons/CinVin/GravatarTweaks/XF/Entity/User.php(89): XF::handlePhpError(8, '[E_NOTICE] Unde...'...
  11. Erin Nicole

    [OzzModz] Avatar Gallery

    Now, I'm getting this when trying to delete all of my avatars because when I transferred them, they got messed up so I was going to try to re-import them. I'll do them 1-by-1 for now but I am on the latest update and this is a fresh board install from yesterday. EDIT/Update: After importing...
  12. Erin Nicole

    [OzzModz] Avatar Gallery

    Avatars missing after import. I exported my avatars from one forum into a new forum (so I can have the same ones across the board) and it seems they should be there but the files themselves are missing. I'm not sure how to fix this. Do I need to copy the files?
  13. Erin Nicole

    XF 2.2 Too Many Redirects

    FIXED! I ended up moving hosts from hostinger to a friend's VPS. In the move they are now coming up. It was definitely some kind of .htaccess issue though. In case someone else has this issue. All of the too many redirects errors I've gotten thus far have been fixed by fixing the .htaccess files.
  14. Erin Nicole

    XF 2.2 Too Many Redirects

    Anyone else have any ideas?
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