Recent content by EricB

  1. E

    External login without password?

    Hi, find below my code which is working for me. You have to do some auth-jobs in your script! Regards Eric define('XF_ROOT', '/www/docs/domain/forum'); // set this (absolute path)! define('TIMENOW', time()); require_once(XF_ROOT . '/library/XenForo/Autoloader.php')...
  2. E

    Allow duplicate username?

    But it would be great, if xF supports an etra DISPLAYNAME, so each user can choose the funktioniality he needs. I had to modificate the forum core not checking for existing UserName and drop the index from the field in the table. A UserID was given from an external Portal and with this Key the...
  3. E

    Replace the Login-Site, which template?

    Hello, i configured my forum for a requiered login to get access to the forum. When a user browse to the Mainpage of the forum the Login-Site will be displayed. In the login-site i want to add some information. Please may you tell me which template do i have to edit to add text on this site...
  4. E

    Not planned xenForo Avatar UPDATE

    This source i know ;-) I wanted to have the new one with the man, not that with the gender sign. Thanx Eric
  5. E

    API for add 'secondary_group_ids'

    Thanks, was really easy: $userModel->addUserGroupChange($UserID, 'unique-key', 6); Without any save or else!
  6. E

    Not planned xenForo Avatar UPDATE

    Where do you find this avatar?
  7. E

    API for add 'secondary_group_ids'

    Hello, depending the rights in my portal the user should get access to serveral forums. Is there a API for adding new "secondary_group_ids" to a user? Or do i have to read the given id´s for a user, walk through an array and check if a id is already existing? And if not, add the ID the die...
  8. E

    External login without password?

    Solved: $session = XenForo_Application::get('session'); $session->changeUserId($UserID); $session->save(); XenForo_Visitor::setup($UserID); header("Location: forum/index.php");
  9. E

    External login without password?

    Hello, i want to integrate XenForo in an Intranet-Site with its own user-managemant. Now i´m able to create the user in Xenforo using it´s key from the intranet as external userid. But i have troubles to login the user in Xenforo. Till now i using this code an it doesn´t work. I think...
  10. E

    Create user from external and login

    Now solved too. Had to set a "default value" in the table for the new field.
  11. E

    Create user from external and login

    Yes, you´re right, have mixed files. Tried with an 1.1.2 version from an friend before purchasing my new license. This problem is solved, but get a new one: This error raised: An exception occurred: Mysqli statement execute error : Field 'pnet_auth_id' doesn't have a default value in...
  12. E

    Create user from external and login

    The files are all uploaded corectly. But i found out, that the error raises after modifying the file "library\XenForo\DataWriter\User.php". I commented out the code for checking unique mails ans mailadresses, because i have to have this info not unique. What can i do?
  13. E

    Create user from external and login

    Hello, i´am completly new to XenForo, moved from an not activated IPB license. I want to use thw XenForo in an Intranet-Web with its own user-database. From other AddOn´s i copy & pasted the following code (and adapted for me). But it raises an error! Do you have any ideas? Thank you, Eric...
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