Recent content by enessafak

  1. enessafak

    [DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

    I was talking about the same problem, I'm glad it's solved, now I can install it :)
  2. enessafak

    [DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

    The API key page is not working and that's why I can't use the plugin. The requested page is not found error in the api key entry section.
  3. enessafak

    XF 2.2 Installation error

    Hello, I get the error in the image when installing Xenforo 2.2.13. The CHMOD settings are correct and the server meets all requirements, what could I be doing wrong?
  4. enessafak

    XF 2.2 self-deleting thread

    super moderator has permission but can't see it
  5. enessafak

    XF 2.2 self-deleting thread

    no usergroup has permission to delete permanently. However, I can't see it as an administrator.
  6. enessafak

    XF 2.2 self-deleting thread

    Doesn't it need to appear in the admin panel when the thread owner deletes it?
  7. enessafak

    XF 2.2 self-deleting thread

    Hello, One of the topics I opened in the forum has been deleted, but there is no record of deletion, what should I do?
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