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    Excluding posts from cloudflare caching

    When I enabled caching for my forum . Users complained from delays in their replies . Which means , when I see someone replied to my post , I open the post but his reply is not shown . So I have to refresh the page to see it . I excluded the whole forum from CF caching , and the problem...

    Xenforo problems with cloudflare caching

    I have a Xenforo forum But CF has big conflicts with the forum 1 - There are big delays for users replies and posts . If I see a thread with 3 replies , when I open it I cant see all replies unless I click ctrl + f5 2 - I can’t log in to administration page As...

    Xenforo reputation system and current clients?

    Hi all. I have 2 questions. Does Xenforo support reputation system ? Whwre users add and deduct reputation points from each others. Also , I don't see many examples of Xenforo. I only know that digitalpoint use it. But thats it.
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