Recent content by DressageDiva

  1. D

    [XFA] Embedded PDF II (BBCode)

    So you cannot install this add-on via the add ons acp because it says there is no file. If you upload it manually it explodes the entire file and all the folders are empty. Instead you end up will a ton of files with the file path in place of the title like so: and those folders are empty.
  2. D

    XF 2.0 Custom Thread Prefix

    yeah, none of those worked for me
  3. D

    [XenConcept] Linked Accounts [Paid]

    I've been waiting for this. Thank you for making it happen :)
  4. D

    Editor & BB Code Manager

    Whenever I try to edit the options for the editor I get an error. any suggestions?
  5. D

    XF 2.0 BBCode Tables

    So I’ve been trying for a while now to get a table bbcode to work on my forum but so far no luck. Is there anyone out there who can lend me a helping hand?
  6. D

    TaigaChat Pro - Realtime chat/shoutbox [Deleted]

    Any word on when we can get a XF 2 version of this?
  7. D

    ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat

    What's the ETA on being able to use the chat with XF 2.0??
  8. D

    XF 1.5 updating the forum_list

    I am trying to add the addon TaigaChat Pro to my forum, I uploaded as directed and am attempting to add the code in the forum_list section however when I go to save the edit I get a 403 error... Help??
  9. D

    XF 1.4 Super Admins

    How do I make another admin in my forum a Super Admin?
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