Recent content by drawmonster

  1. D

    TaigaChat - AJAX Shoutbox [Deleted]

    So is it possible to edit the word "Shoutbox" on the full screen chat window?
  2. D

    XF 1.1 Change "Post new Thread" target and text?

    Is there a way to change the target of the button on a per forum basis? We want the post button to direct the user to a specific form URL, depending on which forum they want to post in. I'm using Simple forms, and want each forum "Post new thread" button to point to it's own form. And also...
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    XF 1.1 Change "Post new Thread" target and text?

    I'm wanting to change the text and where the button points to. I need it to point to a different URL on the forum. I've tried search, but I must be searching for the wrong terms or something. Thanks!!
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