Recent content by dotted

  1. D

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    curl and bcmath are enabled, web api key is set, safe_mode is off and open_basedir has no value It is, simultaneously for my own server and Steam. It is
  2. D

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    It is happening all the time though, and I'm getting contant reports of it not working. Any chance of a CLI version for the cron script?
  3. D

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    Have an issue on my forums when running the steam cronjob, either normally or manually: Server Error Log Error Info ErrorException: simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 8: parser error : EntityRef: expecting ';' - library/Steam/Helper/Steam.php:91 Generated By: Unknown Account, Today at 04:01...
  4. D

    Setup SEO Full Friendly URLs on nginx

    Site config, assumes XF installed in root: server { server_name .domain.tld; index index.html index.php; root /var/www/domain.tld; location / { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$uri&$args; } location ~* ^.+\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|css|png|js|ico|swf|wav)$ {...
  5. D

    XenForo Beta6, very disappointed

    There is no standards committee that have defined what 'beta' means, it is whatever you want it to mean. It is however common that beta is also feature frozen, but that is deffenantly not the rule.
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    Setup SEO Full Friendly URLs on nginx

    It is exactly used for the purpose of blocking external access to a location.
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    Setup SEO Full Friendly URLs on nginx

    I'm well aware they are different, i also aware that internal should be used here rather than allow/deny. Using allow/deny you expose the existence of files and folders, as it returns a 403 error when you access it, where as "internal" returns a 404 error. Relying on security through obscurity...
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    Setup SEO Full Friendly URLs on nginx

    Which arguably makes it more flexible than a simple allow/deny?
  9. D

    Setup SEO Full Friendly URLs on nginx

    Wouldnt location /xen/(data|internal_data|library)/ { internal; } be better?
  10. D

    Setup SEO Full Friendly URLs on nginx

    Using 'if' is a bad idea, you should look into try_files location / { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php; }
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