Recent content by devhops

  1. devhops

    XF 1.5 An exception occurred: Permission denied in ../Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php

    I'm trying to install XF 1.5 on a test server to prepare for an upgrade. I did this via a restore of the live database and filesystem. When I browse to the site/curl the site, I get the following error: An exception occurred: Permission denied in...
  2. devhops

    Xenforo not sending out SMTP mails

    I'm not sure the mail system is the problem, do you know the API definitely works? Can you send a mail via curl or by knocking up a python script?
  3. devhops

    Xenforo not sending out SMTP mails

    That's definitely up, running and listening then. Have a look in the file and check the configuration options, and check what the mailjet documentation says. You may need to set mailjet's server as an SMTP relay or something. You can use the mail command to test if your sendmail...
  4. devhops

    Xenforo not sending out SMTP mails

    If you have command line access, run 'lsof -i :25' and see if any results return. Can you curl the Mailjet API from your server?
  5. devhops

    Xenforo not sending out SMTP mails

    I don't know much about mailjet, but if you're using an API based system, do you need a mail server running? Shouldn't XF just make some API calls and deal with mail that way? Personally I find sendmail a pain to configure and postfix much easier. Generally I install it, edit and...
  6. devhops

    Xenforo not sending out SMTP mails

    When you say neither works, how is it broken? Which bit exactly is not working? Have you started sendmail/postfix after installing it? Have you made sure port 25 is open? Do the logs tell you anything helpful? systemctl status postfix/sendmail should tell you if it's running or not.
  7. devhops

    XF 1.5 Friendly URL 404's

    Hi, I've had the oh so common friendly URL's 404. The homepage works, but any other URL I click 404's. I'm running nginx and php-fpm on CentOS. I know it's something in the nginx conf file that I've set incorrectly or overlooked, but I can't identify it. Can anyone help? Here is my config...
  8. devhops

    Looking for similar functionality to an old vBulletin plugin

    Hi, This is a long shot and I appreciate it's rather vague, I'm trying to provide as much detail as I can. vBulletin had a plugin available that was basically a way of inserting a small block of images into the homepage at a certain point, say a block of 2x3 images of a fixed size. These could...
  9. devhops

    Redirection Scripts for vBulletin 3.x

    Thanks, I've managed to make it work, I had an nginx return rule in place that redirected /forums to the homepage that was messing with it. I've taken that out and now everything works as expected. The problem is now /forums 403's, and as that used to be our homepage, a lot of members have...
  10. devhops

    Redirection Scripts for vBulletin 3.x

    I might have spoke too soon, it looks like forums are redirecting to the right place, but not individual threads that use showthreads.php
  11. devhops

    Redirection Scripts for vBulletin 3.x

    Scratch that, I've just tried it with archived_import_log and it's working now, thank you @Mike
  12. devhops

    Redirection Scripts for vBulletin 3.x

    Hi Mike, I've checked this and I appear to have tables for both archived_import_log and xf_import_log. I've currently got xf_import_log in the file as detailed below, which should I use? define('IMPORT_LOG_TABLE', 'xf_import_log');
  13. devhops

    Redirection Scripts for vBulletin 3.x

    I've set this up, but it's redirecting the old vb URL's to the homepage instead of the relevant forums, which isn't ideal for SEO I would expect to redirect to Am I overlooking something? I'm...
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