Recent content by dartho

  1. D

    Food Fantasia

    Thanks for the link! Never stopped to think about making my own ricotta before, but have done about 4 times since this post. Apart from on bread or as part of a lasagna, fresh ricotta with mascerated strawberries (sliced, sprinkled generously with sugar and left to sit for a few hours) and...
  2. D

    XFStop Mobile Style

    anyone is free to copy/modify the code from my mobile detect and other hacks on, although there are likely much better ways of doing things (such as which is free to use for not for profit sites)....
  3. D

    Let The Christmas Avatars Begin :-)

    ho ho ho ...
  4. D

    A $1000 prize contest - discussion

    beer hookers just keep the cash for yourself (and spend it on hookers and beer)
  5. D

    but then it wouldn't annoy people like Onimua ;-) I'll get one with my 1991 Wallabies jersey...

    but then it wouldn't annoy people like Onimua ;-) I'll get one with my 1991 Wallabies jersey on, then it may annoy Jethro instead ...
  6. D

    Current Litigation

    Would you like some cheese with your cheese, sir :D
  7. D

    Recover dropped Hard Drive Data?

    There is a local specialised company near where I live that has a very good success rate of recovering data in such sitations = costs $600 for a hard drive. Unless you live in Perth this probably wn;t help you - but it at least gives you a figure as to a possible cost.
  8. D

    That's a relief!

    I LOL'd :D "No-one is following you ..." That'd be a paranoia feedback loop...
  9. D

    That was me in the "beer can chicken" photos :-)

    That was me in the "beer can chicken" photos :-)
  10. D

    100,000 Posts - Congrats Xenforo

    You need to drink more ...
  11. D

    Shorten URL Services

    Good thing we are site admins as opposed to normal users, or are admins now users like 40 is the new 30? :)
  12. D

    100,000 Posts - Congrats Xenforo

    Whilst 100,000 posts is good, what I find more impressive is the averages. Every member (on average) has started 2 threads, and each of these threads have received over 14 replies = 28 posts/member. That's an active community! (just in case you didn't know already ;)
  13. D

    What name should I use for my new forum?

    why limit yourself to a dozen or so characters? All the "good" or memorable short names are gone. Why not go with something easy to remember like "" or"" or to follow your own theme "" (and as a bonus you can also...
  14. D

    So you've never done the MySpace thing? It's the photo of the creator of MySpace, who...

    So you've never done the MySpace thing? It's the photo of the creator of MySpace, who automatically gets added as a "Friend" to everyone's account on MySpace.
  15. D

    Have you seen "Have you seen" ?

    damned unforseen circumstances, why are the unforseen ones always the worst?!
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