Recent content by cubdriver

  1. cubdriver

    Rebuild Single User Cache?

    So I ended up solving this another way. I just queried all the permission_combo permutations for my various member levels and made a constant that would provide them based on amount. Not "elegant" but works great in my case since there are only eight different combos. sj
  2. cubdriver

    Rebuild Single User Cache?

    Thank You. I need this exact same thing, but things (like autoloader) have moved around on XF 2.2. Have you updated your code for the newer version? Thanks in advance!
  3. cubdriver

    XF 2.1 Can I embed a Loom video in a post?

    Man, I've tried all these options on 2.2.13 and can't get it to work. I can stick the embed code they provide on any external page and it works fine. NO DOUBT I am doing something stuuuupid! sj
  4. cubdriver

    Migration, Conversion and Specialty Import Services - including Incremental Imports

    Ken just finished a big conversion for us from VB 4.2 to XF 2.2, he was even able to move all the old Photopost galleries and images over, as well as get Elastic Search installed on our server with minimal down time. Great work for what I consider an extremely reasonable price. Once the dust...
  5. cubdriver

    Ads Manager 2 Lite by Siropu [Paid]

    Howdy, no doubt that is has been asked before - my apologies. Can I use this system to display banners on non-XF webpages (on the same domain)? Thanks! sj
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