Recent content by csgoant

  1. csgoant

    XF 2.1 Pause gif avatars until mouseover

    Okay, it works. For anyone that wants to do this with the avatars on their site. First, grab a copy of freezeframe.min.js from the github page and save it to your js folder (Everything in there is neatly organized by folders so I created a folder for it)...
  2. csgoant

    XF 2.1 Pause gif avatars until mouseover

    I'm attempting to use this library to achieve the desired result. Trying to use that library, is there a div that wraps most of the page contents? So I dont have to hunt down each individual <img> tag to add a class...
  3. csgoant

    XF 2.1 Pause gif avatars until mouseover

    Hey everyone, quick question. I like the use of animated avatars, however, when everyone has one and you're looking at content it gets to be a little much. Is anyone aware of a quick way to pause gif's until a mouse over?
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