Recent content by coyotte508

  1. C

    Double Post Preventer

    What version of PHP do you run? You'll need 5.4+ or so to avoid this error
  2. C

    [TH] Inline Spoiler [Deleted]

    Just downloaded, uploaded files to the correct folders. I use the XML file to install and I get ErrorException: Fatal Error: syntax error, unexpected '[' - library/KL/Install.php:170 Running XF1.5.10a If you get this error, upgrade your PHP version (if it's not obvious)
  3. C

    Warn Thread

    Anyone know how to change the time it takes for a new thread to be posted? Changing the Cron frequency does nothing and I've tried to tinker with the php itself but it still takes 10 minutes for a thread to be posted... if even that. I've done about 15 different warnings and only 3 of them...
  4. C

    TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes

    I'm encountering an error with the editor randomly. The menu overlay (such as for Inserting an Image) occasionally do not load forcing the user to refresh their page to continue doing anything. Other times the editor loads but none of the buttons are functional. Menu Overlay Issue: Hard to...
  5. C

    Username Change by Siropu

    Thanks, I completely glanced over that tab. Also we had it working for awhile on our site but I was doing some upgrading to older versions of add-ons and this one got updated then proceeded to break. Maybe one of the other site devs manually avoided the error and by updating versions it removed...
  6. C

    Username Change by Siropu

    I get the same error as in Is there a way to download a previous version? We're on XF 1.3 and updating to XF1.5.9 isn't entirely possible at this time for numerous reasons. Or is there a way I could fix...
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