Recent content by Conduit

  1. Conduit

    Country Flags by IP Address [Deleted]

    This is a great add-on and I had it for quite a while whithout any issues whatsoever. But for some reason it started to cause problems showing the following error message: ErrorException: Fatal Error: Call to undefined function Countryflags\Db\Reader\bcadd() -...
  2. Conduit

    [HA] Read Thread Enforcement

    Does not seem to be working for me. I installed the addon and set it up for all user groups including admin but when I log in nothing happens. Tested under a registered user group - no result. Any ideas what could be the problem?
  3. Conduit

    XF 1.5 Unable to upload attachments/images in Chrome

    Flash uploader is on HTML5 uploader is on
  4. Conduit

    XF 1.5 Unable to upload attachments/images in Chrome

    Have you fixed it as I could not? Even having upgraded XF to 1.5.12 the problem still persists. Neither HTML5 uploader nor Flash uploader work for me.
  5. Conduit


    I have exactly the same problem. What was the fix for it?
  6. Conduit

    [TH] User Criteria

    Does it support XF 1.5? Is there a later alternative to this addon?
  7. Conduit

    Inactive Members

    You can manually amend cron settings a few times a month to send out emails as many times as you wish. By default it is set for 1st of each month so the next scheduled run is on 1 Feb. You can amend it to 15 of Jan for instance, and run it a week later as well by setting to 23 of Jan following...
  8. Conduit

    [DBTech] Easy Registration

    That would create an additional sub-folder 'includes' in the folder 'public.html'. Is this how it should be?
  9. Conduit

    [DBTech] Easy Registration

    Thanks for reply, Fillip, but that does not answer my question. Sorry, I am not an IT person and quite new XenForo. You have got three sub-folders in the 'upload' folder of your addon's .rar: 'includes', 'library' and 'js'. It is all straightforward with the last two but to what path should I...
  10. Conduit

    GoodForNothing Classifieds [Paid] [Deleted]

    The product is very promising. I installed it and it worked for a month without any issues (well, my forum is new so about 30 adverts have been created so far). Last week it stopped generating new adverts and I am awaiting for developer's advice since last Friday. Not sure how much more time I...
  11. Conduit

    Inactive Members

    I am an admin with all boxes ticked 'allowed'. The option worked while on version 3.6 and stopped as soon as I upgraded to 3.7.
  12. Conduit

    [DBTech] Easy Registration

    Where to should I upload the file md5_sums_dbtech_easyreg.php from the folder 'includes'?
  13. Conduit

    Inactive Members

    Same with me. When I go to www..../inactivemembers to see the total of members on the inactive list and request a test email to be sent I now get this notice:
  14. Conduit

    Top Threads

    Nonetheless, insertion of a variable would make things easier.
  15. Conduit

    Top Threads

    Massive thanks for your prompt response, Andy. I have an observation though. You added a fixed phrase "Top 100 Threads" which does not reflect the limit set for the displayed threads. If I set the limit to 15 threads, for instance, the phrase still reads as "Top 100 Threads". It's not a concern...
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