Recent content by compactabt

  1. compactabt

    Content watch manager [Paid]

    Hi Andy, I'm wondering if this addon will allow me to 'reset' my forum's users' email alerts (so that everyone's email alerts are turned off), and then if I disable the addon they'll be able to sign up for email alerts again? (I've just upgraded a large forum and a lot of mails are being sent...
  2. compactabt

    s9e Media Sites

    It's worked perfectly! Thanks for the quick reply. In case anyone comes across this in the future, I installed the new add-on after the upgrade.
  3. compactabt

    s9e Media Sites

    Hello! I'm (finally) upgrading a 1.5 forum which was using the old s9e Media Pack add-on, and I wondered if once the 2.x upgrade's complete, installing s9e Media Sites will mean previous embeds show up as they did before? Thanks!
  4. compactabt

    XF 1.5 Deleting the content of a prolific user's posts — MySQL query?

    Hi everyone. I have a longstanding forum user with 60,000+ posts who would like his contributions to the forum deleted. He'd like to keep his account if possible, but that's not a dealbreaker. Flagging him as spam doesn't work (it times out without deleting anything), and I've tried the Delete...
  5. compactabt

    XF 1.4 Precise time of message being posted?

    That's so helpful. Thanks very much!
  6. compactabt

    XF 1.4 Precise time of message being posted?

    Hello! As part of a police enquiry relating to the safety of one of my forum's members I've been asked if I can supply to the time, to the second, that a message was posted on my forum. Does anyone know if there's a way of finding this out, either in the normal admin capacity or by accessing...
  7. compactabt

    Amazon Parser

    I'm having the same trouble as CoZmicShReddeR — any tips?
  8. compactabt

    XF 1.4 vBulletin import - can I change YouTube BBcodes via SQL?

    Thanks both for your help - I've sorted out the parsing problem and also got the find and replace add-on working. (The problem was the size of the forum - following Jake's advice here seems to...
  9. compactabt

    XF 1.4 vBulletin import - redirecting URLs?

    Jake you are amazing. Thanks so much, this worked perfectly!
  10. compactabt

    XF 1.4 vBulletin import - redirecting URLs?

    I've just imported a vBulletin forum to XenForo. Moving forward, this new forum's going to exist in a subdomain, whereas before it was in a /forum folder. On my old forum, URLs look like this: On the new forum, they look like this...
  11. compactabt

    XF 1.4 vBulletin import - can I change YouTube BBcodes via SQL?

    Hi! I've imported a fairly large (3.5m post) forum from vBulletin 4 to XenForo. Everything seems to have gone alarmingly smoothly but I'm stuck on two points. One I'll deal with in another post, but for the YouTube embeds, I'm struggling with solutions offered elsewhere on this forum. In...
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