Recent content by Cheesegrits

  1. Cheesegrits

    [8WR] XenCarta (Wiki) PRO [Paid]

    After the upgrade (to 1.4.8a) referenced in my previous post, I noticed that the History feature was erroring out, in the long2ip() at line 68 in ... library/EWRcarta/Model/History.php The fix seemed to be to use XF's helper, instead of long2ip: $edit['history_ip'] =...
  2. Cheesegrits

    Tickets [Paid]

    Thanks for setting up the demo site. I just purchased a copy. :) -- hugh
  3. Cheesegrits

    Tickets [Paid]

    Absolutely not a problem. My condolences. Thanks. I'm about 98.76% sure I'll be buying this, but it would be nice to have a play. Yup, custom fields was one of the features I wanted to have a quick play with, to see if it would meet my 'billable time' requirement. Cool, tx. -- hugh
  4. Cheesegrits

    XenDebug (XenForo Debug Tools)

    Needed to log some queries, found this add-on ... but it needs a little fix for PHP 7.2 .... In library/XenDebug/Log/Abstract.php, the uses of create_function() need to be replaced with closures (or lambdas, or whatever the heck PHP calls inline functions) ... //$message =...
  5. Cheesegrits

    Tickets [Paid]

    Just to expand on the 'booking time' thing. My forums are tech support, for my own software. For the last decade (we migrated from vB to XF) we've done this on a monthly subscription basis, but that model just isn't working any more. So we're moving to doing it as straight up billable work...
  6. Cheesegrits

    Tickets [Paid]

    If it's not too much trouble. As an indie developer myself, I know that time is money, and setting up a test site for one potential sale is a tough call. I really want to see what the UI / workflow is for staff, and the full back-end options. I'm fairly sure this add-on is what I need, and...
  7. Cheesegrits

    Tickets [Paid]

    Is there any way to evaluate this, like a demo version? I've read everything I can find about it, and I think it meets our needs, but without being able to play around with the backend / staff features, it's hard to know for sure. At the original price point, I'd have no problem just buying...
  8. Cheesegrits

    [TAC] Stop Human Spam [Paid]

    Thank you to @Yugensoft for taking up this essential add-on, and for @tenants for creating it. Although I'd purchased it waaaay back, I just purchased it again as a hat tip to yugensoft. Hugh
  9. Cheesegrits

    [8WR] XenCarta (Wiki) PRO [Paid]

    Just FYI, I just upgraded another site to XF 1.5.x and XenCarta 1.4.8a, and had exactly the same problem I outlined a few pages <<< back, with the class extension errors crashing the site. Same fix was needed in EWRcarta_Listener_Model, to check the class name. As the two sites run a different...
  10. Cheesegrits

    XF 1.4 Sitemaps filling up disk

    Hey guys 'n' gals, In the last few days, thousands of sitemap XML files have been generated in internal_data/sitemaps, each of which is about 5mb, which filled up my partition. Each XML seems to consist of single entry for each user...
  11. Cheesegrits

    [8WR] XenCarta (Wiki) PRO [Paid]

    Well yeah, the hints are there in the new XML, but the problem was a Catch 22 with running that XML. As I said in a previous post, the problem was applying the XML after uploading the files. As soon as I tried to update it (or do anything, front or backend), it errored out, because the hints...
  12. Cheesegrits

    [8WR] XenCarta (Wiki) PRO [Paid]

    XenForo 1.5.14
  13. Cheesegrits

    [8WR] XenCarta (Wiki) PRO [Paid]

    This seems to fix it: <?php class EWRcarta_Listener_Model { public static function post($class, array &$extend) { if ($class === 'XenForo_Model_Post') { // XenForo_Model_Post $extend[] = 'EWRcarta_Model_Post'; } } public static...
  14. Cheesegrits

    [8WR] XenCarta (Wiki) PRO [Paid]

    OK, I finally got some time to throw xdebug at this, and the problem is in ... library/EWRcarta/Listener/Model.php ... which always adds EWRcarta_Model_Post to $extend, regardless, so when some other addon (in my case Widget Framework) tries to do a XenForo_Model::create($class) on it's own...
  15. Cheesegrits

    [8WR] XenCarta (Wiki) PRO [Paid]

    @Jaxel - nope, tried every which way. As soon as I upload those files, the next page load pitches that error. -- hugh
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