Recent content by Cartier

  1. Cartier

    XF 1.2 What conditional statement would I use so that an ad only shows up below the breadcrumb on the main I want an ad to show up under the bottome breadcrumb, but only on the main page. How would I do that? @Brogan
  2. Cartier

    22 pages of the same server error

    I've disabled all the addons and nothing has changed.
  3. Cartier

    22 pages of the same server error

    Installed Add-ons Bb Codes & Buttons Manager2.1.4 Edit User Join Date by Waindigo1.0.4 Force Ignore by Waindigo1.0.1 Hide Ip of Super Admin1.0 Instagram Media Site1.1 Last Post Avatar by Waindigo1.1.8b Mass Delete Spam Users1.0.0 MobileRead Profile BB Code1.2 Sitemap for XenForo1.3.2 TaigaChat...
  4. Cartier

    22 pages of the same server error

    No one on my site can do anything. Post, like, view PMs and alerts. Even as admin, I cannot do these things.
  5. Cartier

    [bd] Tag Me for XenForo 1.3

    I'm having a problem where users are receiving multiple alerts for a single tag in profile posts. For example, when someone tags a member on a profile message, and that message is replied to, not only will the tagged member receive an alert for the reply, but also receive an alert that he was...
  6. Cartier

    [RT] Spoiler

    I just uploaded the entire contents of the Upload folder directly to the root folder, that's it. :3
  7. Cartier

    [RT] Spoiler

    I'm getting this error: Please enter a valid callback method (Spoiler_listener::listen). What could the problem be?
  8. Cartier

    XF 1.2 Hiding "Last edited" on edited messages

    As an administrator, I have this option, but apparently none of my forum members can hide this when they edit their own posts. Is their an option to correct this??
  9. Cartier


  10. Cartier

    File Cache coding

    This is what I included in my config.php file: $config['cache']['enabled'] = true; $config['cache']['frontend'] = 'Core'; $config['cache']['frontendOptions']['cache_id_prefix'] = 'xf_'; $config['cache']['cacheSessions'] = true; $config['cache']['backend'] = 'File'...
  11. Cartier

    XF 1.2 No registered members list

    I'm having trouble accessing the registered members list. There is a tab available, but when I click it i'm taken to a page that is listed as "Notable Members." Any ideas how I can find the registered members list?
  12. Cartier

    Probably doesn't know the answer

    Probably doesn't know the answer
  13. Cartier

    As designed Banned user unable to logout and let someone else login on same computer

    Is there a way to override this? To allow banned members to log out?
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