Recent content by Capturimage

  1. Capturimage

    D.C Style - Thumbnail

    Yes, nothing change but the location of the thread. But when the thread is in the new location (with an external image, not in attachment), the thumbnail is gone and I need to rebuild the cache to get it back. To show you an example : Thread in its original location : When moved to a...
  2. Capturimage

    D.C Style - Thumbnail

    When you move a thread from a forum to another one, the thumbnail is not rebuilt automatically. You have to rebuild the thumbnails cache in ACP everytime,
  3. Capturimage

    D.C Style - Thumbnail

    After some experiments on my forum, that works. (y) Still the issue that I was talking about in the message #139 of this thread if I remove the code from my extra_less. but I can live with that for now. :)
  4. Capturimage

    D.C Style - Thumbnail

    When you edit an embed image and you use a new link to replace the old one, a new thumbnail is not produced automatically (and the old one is gone). I have to use the "Rebuild thread thumbnails" option everytime.
  5. Capturimage

    D.C Style - Thumbnail

    That was the case with my new template, for the height of the thumbnails. The guy explained to me that was because you assigned a fix height for the rows and he suggested to use this code in the extra_less to solve the issue, in my case. .structItem-cell--icon[style*='height']{ height...
  6. Capturimage

    D.C Style - Thumbnail

    Update done without any issue this time. :) Everything works as expected. Once again a big thumbs up to you for your great work and your reactivity. (y)
  7. Capturimage

    D.C Style - Thumbnail

    Ok, the update didn't go well for me. :oops: My forum has completly crashed after an update from the admin section... I have had to delete the addon files with filezilla, to get back the access to the forum page, and then to go to the admin panel to delete the addon and to install a fresh...
  8. Capturimage

    D.C Style - Thumbnail

    First, thank you very much for this nice addon; very usefull for a forum about photo and video. :love: I have 2 questions : Is it possible to go over the 40 pixels size without hiding the titles of the threads? Could we dissociate the size for the forums and the one for the latest post widget...
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