Recent content by Bwana

  1. Bwana

    [TAC] Fool Bot Honey Pot [Paid]

    I thought it was a bot because it was completed in 12 seconds, but you've since corrected me saying they're using automated tools. I was using CustomImgCaptcha, but I decided to install AnyApi after this incident occurred. I'll go ahead and get a Block Disposable Email API key and set that...
  2. Bwana

    [TAC] Fool Bot Honey Pot [Paid]

    I installed this today and it was doing GREAT...until 1 bot got through and posted a spam message Here's the log info you requested: No Bot Triggers Found FoolBotHoneyPot: Detected As Human - Registration Allowed 11 minutes ago generated_by_username_attempt: wing ness...
  3. Bwana

    Minimum message length

    I'd like to see a plugin that will let an admin set a minimum message length to prevent users from padding post counts. It could be number of words or number of characters or both and it would help our community tremendously. I see in the options of Xenforo that you can set the maximum length...
  4. Bwana

    Tweet Topics - Auto Twitter Submit on New Thread

    I wish there were a control option as well. I'd rather not have replies show up on Twitter.
  5. Bwana

    BB Code Manager

    I can get around it, sure. I'm new to xenforo however. I'd rather not hijack this thread with this seemingly offtopic request. Can you send a PM if you have a suggestion?
  6. Bwana

    BB Code Manager

    Doh. Know of another work around? I've imported from another forum and there's a ton of broken img tags. :)
  7. Bwana

    BB Code Manager

    Just installed the plugin. Looks great! Quick question: Has anyone successfully modified the img bbcode to accept width= and height= parameters?
  8. Bwana

    SMF 2 Importer

    Importing threads and posts error Any idea on how to address this one: Mysqli statement execute error : Incorrect string value: '\x99.\x0AFav...' for column 'message' at row 1 Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 297 Zend_Db_Statement->execute() in...
  9. Bwana

    Finally Dropped The Coin Today

    I'm on the brink of replacing my SMF forum with it today. Hope yours goes smooth.
  10. Bwana

    On the brink of buying Xenforo

    On the brink of buying Xenforo
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