Recent content by Business Coach

  1. Business Coach


    Are you saying to have the domain go to the same hosting account rather than give it, its own unique hosting?
  2. Business Coach


    Hi, Just need a quick job done. Transfer from one Domain to different domain. Empty demo forum with themes and add ons Full Cpanel access. Same server.
  3. Business Coach

    Lack of interest Just curious about audio....

    With the increase in audio chat over the last year, is there anything on the roadmap for the nearterm to have audio integrated into xen?
  4. Business Coach

    Style [$100] style our forum

    I thought you couldn't, and that's why you gave me a refund?
  5. Business Coach

    Style [$100] style our forum

    Thanks. I guess we'll see if he is.
  6. Business Coach

    Style [$100] style our forum

    add ons installed and Color scheme already set. Just need to set up resource, media, header banner and some extra add ons. Uix pro theme. budget $100 max
  7. Business Coach

    Set Up Our Uix Pro Theme

    AFAIK they are installed. But there is no visible representation or demonstration of them. Don't need customization per say, just examples.
  8. Business Coach

    Set Up Our Uix Pro Theme

    like the image nodes, covers etc. All the extra features that it says it does...
  9. Business Coach

    Set Up Our Uix Pro Theme

    hmm ok 2:14 pm so the basic features are set up? Yup; got your addons all installed as part of your Pro install, too. i got to figure how to activate them lol How can I get demo content of the ad ons/theme done? --sent from my cell phone. please excuse the brevity. June...
  10. Business Coach

    Set Up Our Uix Pro Theme

    Hi, It was installed, but nothing was set up. I asked about it, and they said they "activated" the theme..but no demo of the features/components were done.
  11. Business Coach

    Set Up Our Uix Pro Theme

    I have a fresh xen install and ui.x pro. Also have resource manager and media gallery. Need someone to set up the theme so we can see the features and modify accordingly. Create dummy/demo content/sample forums threads/items to express the theme layout etc Looking for someone to start...
  12. Business Coach

    [TH] UI.X Pro [Deleted]

    Hi, I am ready to purchase today. Is there a method other than Paypal? Your site has it set up so that you must have a Paypal account. Can you send us a request that will accept our debit card straight without a Paypal account?
  13. Business Coach

    XenForo RAM Requirements

    I am about to develop a large forum. Can you share specs of your servers? Do you recommend multi core/multi-cpus? I am amazed you are doing it with low specs. Whare are you getting DBaas? and why not use your own servers for that? you are using s3 for member files or for xen file storage...
  14. Business Coach


    Need new xen 2 install plus theme plus a few add ons
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