Recent content by Bubka3

  1. Bubka3

    XF2 [S70] Steam Authentication and Integration (Connected Accounts) - NEW: ANALYTICS, XF1...

    Once I have imported the data, is it safe to uninstall the old legacy add-on?
  2. Bubka3

    [TH] Donate

    So essentially I can achieve what I want by creating a single generic campaign with no goal? What is the import procedure for getting my data from the old XF1 version into this new XF2 version?
  3. Bubka3

    [TH] Donate

    Is it possible to collect donations without a campaign? I'm simply looking for a donate page to collect donations and show previous ones with no goal. I currently have [AD] Donation Manager 1.1.8 from XF1. Am I correct in assuming this resource is the "upgraded" addon?
  4. Bubka3

    Hi. I noticed you posting in both of steam add-ons for v2. Did you by any chance purchase both...

    Hi. I noticed you posting in both of steam add-ons for v2. Did you by any chance purchase both? I'm looking to upgrade as well and I'm not sure which one is better.
  5. Bubka3

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    Most famous bug bites the dust, nice work! :)
  6. Bubka3

    [TH] Donate - Multi-campaign manager [Deleted]

    So if I set it to monthly, it should reset on the first of the month? If so, it's not working for me because it claims the goal has X days remaining, which point to November 27 vs the first of December.
  7. Bubka3

    [TH] Donate - Multi-campaign manager [Deleted]

    No, it is not based on the previous donation manager, nor is made by the same people. However, it has a importer from the previous donation manager.
  8. Bubka3

    [TH] Donate - Multi-campaign manager [Deleted]

    Do I need a start or end date?
  9. Bubka3

    [TH] Donate - Multi-campaign manager [Deleted]

    I'm confused, what are the settings to setup a Monthly Goal that resets and continues each month?
  10. Bubka3

    [TH] Donate - Multi-campaign manager [Deleted]

    It appears if you disable the Top Donations Page, it still shows up on the side bar. Anyway to hide that too?
  11. Bubka3

    [TH] Donate - Multi-campaign manager [Deleted]

    Would you be able to do it for XenPorta2, the paid updated release? I'm sure XenPorta (1/old) isn't really being used anymore. I assume people either went to widget framework for free or XenPorta2 for payment.
  12. Bubka3

    [TH] Donate - Multi-campaign manager [Deleted]

    Me too! Question, do the widgets support XenPorta2?
  13. Bubka3

    User Upgrades by Waindigo [Deleted]

    So what is the future of this plugin? If it has a future, can I suggestion the ability to Gift User Upgrades? Seems like the only thing this add-on is missing.
  14. Bubka3

    Post Ratings - taking likes to the next level [Deleted]

    How can I update the email add-on updates are sent too?
  15. Bubka3

    Delete Users

    Anyway to have this done automatically?
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