Recent content by BonusParadise

  1. BonusParadise

    Dead Link Management [Deleted]

    Did this happen to you? Where can I read such reports ?
  2. BonusParadise

    Dead Link Management [Deleted]

    Branding free was a few days ago 60 Dollar for an addon that costs 20 Dollar !? Well I did pay it ........ however, the author is not around, did email and also sent message here on Xenforo. I have the branding visible now since days. In the addon there is an option to enter a key to remove...
  3. BonusParadise

    Whats your robots.txt file look like? - Xenforo

    Hello, a question, most of us disallow attachments Now google started to give us a report in webmaster tool on blocked resources. I have a few of my pages with attachments already reported there in my GWT...
  4. BonusParadise

    XF 1.4 Portal(sitemap)

    Ok, thank you @Mike :)
  5. BonusParadise

    XF 1.4 Portal(sitemap)

    Thanks for your reply Brogan. Thing is, I do not want to use a portal add-on. I am not a friend of having to many add-ons. The VBSeo sitemap was coded so that it was possible to add extra urls alhtough even they were not in the root where the forum software was installed. Question is, any...
  6. BonusParadise

    XF 1.4 Portal(sitemap)

    Sorry to bring this up again. When I was on VB with VBSeo, we had a sitemap where it was possible to have our homepage included. Any chance the xenforo sitemap will add this option in future? I heard it would not be idea to not have my homepage included in sitemap. How are others handling this...
  7. BonusParadise

    XF 1.4 Portal(sitemap)

    Hello I added my root homepage as extra url in the box and it was not added to the sitemap. Xenforo is installed on Are only extra urls like /forum possible ?
  8. BonusParadise

    XF 1.4 Not getting alerts for tagged username

    Yes thanks, I should take care of this soon. We moved from Vbulletin, it was a bit chaos with the usergroups. Took me some time to get used on xenforo usegroups and permissions , and as you see, I am still learning :) @Martok, thanks for the heads up :)
  9. BonusParadise

    XF 1.4 Not getting alerts for tagged username

    On my board Primary Usergroup for Admins and Mods is Administrative and Moderating. Once again, thanks , happy this is fixed now :)
  10. BonusParadise

    Tagging alert thing is solved. Wish the both of you a nice rest of your sunday :)

    Tagging alert thing is solved. Wish the both of you a nice rest of your sunday :)
  11. BonusParadise

    XF 1.4 Not getting alerts for tagged username

    YES! This was it, Admin and Moderators had value 0. So far we never used it within staff, so we did not notice that it does not work. From member I received sometimes tag alerts, the value for usergroup member was on 1, I really don't know why I ever set it to 0 for Admins and Staff, I guess I...
  12. BonusParadise

    XF 1.4 Not getting alerts for tagged username

    Thank you so much @Chris D , I am on my way to check this out :)
  13. BonusParadise

    XF 1.4 Not getting alerts for tagged username

    We have upgraded today, and we notice that we do not get alerts anymore for tagging usernames. I was wondering if it works here on xenforo ?
  14. BonusParadise

    I will post my question now :)

    I will post my question now :)
  15. BonusParadise

    Thank you Chris, yeah you are right. Sometimes I am just shy :(

    Thank you Chris, yeah you are right. Sometimes I am just shy :(
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