Recent content by bobbitt

  1. bobbitt

    XenForo Migration - SUCCESS!

    This is not a question, but I wanted to post here so prospective customers can read the post. I recently migrated a fairly large (over 85k users and 1.5M posts) from Simple Machines (SMF 2.0) to XenForo. Did one trial run and then took the plunge. Very smooth and I have no regrets. I was very...
  2. bobbitt

    Quoted text includes timestamp

    Minor request, but my users have asked if the time/date could be included with quoted material, so they can see if the quote if of recent or ancient information. Maybe between the user's name and the "up" arrow? Thanks
  3. bobbitt

    Importing from SMF 2.1

    Sorry to piggyback but I have a somewhat related question. I'm running SMF 2.0 on a large board and am strongly considering a move to XenForo. However before I commit I'm wondering if there's a way to trial the conversion process. That is, could I get a temp license to attempt a migration from...
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