Recent content by Blockhead

  1. Blockhead

    How to display sub-node as node XF2.2.7

    Any specific reason this was pinned?
  2. Blockhead

    Change the XenForo self-hosted price from $0 on the pricing page

    If it is lets hope we don't need to renew it every 6 month in order to keep it.
  3. Blockhead

    Change the XenForo self-hosted price from $0 on the pricing page

    Ah that's much better. No more confusion now.
  4. Blockhead

    Change the XenForo self-hosted price from $0 on the pricing page

    Yeah I saw that afterward. Probably just an oversight on the main pricing page.
  5. Blockhead

    Change the XenForo self-hosted price from $0 on the pricing page

    We're gonna bankrupt the company with unlimited licenses.
  6. Blockhead

    Change the XenForo self-hosted price from $0 on the pricing page

    Not sure if this is a bug or what but on the pricing page it says the self hosted license is a $0 license which might be a bit confusing to some new people
  7. Blockhead

    Is there a Plugin here that offers "Single Use License Keys" like on IPB? (link in desc)

    Ahh my apologies for the misunderstanding then, not sure about that either but you might have more luck with that rather than a license generation and validation addon. I will look through the resources section and will update you if I find anything
  8. Blockhead

    Is there a Plugin here that offers "Single Use License Keys" like on IPB? (link in desc)

    As far as I am aware, no there isn't and addon like that. I don't think any of the "product" addons even have an API for license validation although I might be wrong on that one
  9. Blockhead

    XF 2.2 HTTP ERROR 503 after import from vB5 and install plugin

    I'm out of ideas in that case. If someone else doesn't come up with a solution you could reinstall the whole thing and go from the beginning . Sorry I couldn't be of more help
  10. Blockhead

    XF 2.2 HTTP ERROR 503 after import from vB5 and install plugin

    You enable languages by the "user_selectable" row in the database. After you disable Italian it should default to English for new people (If the language was the problem you'd be able to go to an anonymous windows and visit the forum to see if it's working)
  11. Blockhead

    XF 2.2 HTTP ERROR 503 after import from vB5 and install plugin

    Looking at these errors I see that some people on other forums are saying that the htaccess file might be wrong. Try pasting this default one. See if it helps # Mod_security can interfere with uploading of content such as attachments. If you # cannot attach files, remove the "#" from the...
  12. Blockhead

    XF 2.2 HTTP ERROR 503 after import from vB5 and install plugin

    From what I can see languages are located in "xf_language"
  13. Blockhead

    XF 2.2 HTTP ERROR 503 after import from vB5 and install plugin

    Strange. When going to your forum subdomain I don't get any errors. Simply a blank screen. You could try disableing the redirect addon via a database and seeing if that works. You can find addons in the xf_addon table in the database. There should be a row there called "Active". Set it to 0 for...
  14. Blockhead

    XF 2.2 HTTP ERROR 503 after import from vB5 and install plugin

    I'd say you can try and make a simple PHP info file, put it in a folder or subdomain and try going there in the web browser. If it still returns a 503 then my guess is it's server related in which case either wait it out or check webserver error logs. If it works then it could be something to do...
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