Recent content by blackpoolgraham

  1. blackpoolgraham

    Viglink on Page Container since last upgrade

    No just the one style, just a puzzle might just be a coincidence but got OCD so just a pain.
  2. blackpoolgraham

    Viglink on Page Container since last upgrade

    Since the last upgrade which i did on 15th May 2022, my Viglink revenue has dropped in half, I know the page container was upgraded, this is the details of what I have to do: Paste the //Commerce Code on your pages This code should be inserted at the very end of your pages, just before the...
  3. blackpoolgraham

    Custom AdOn for Skimlinks Code

    really and that will work on all pages? When i looked for the template footer app_footer.less is the the right one? Thank you SO much
  4. blackpoolgraham

    Custom AdOn for Skimlinks Code

    Is anyone able to make an add on that displays the Skimlinks code on all pages? The only one I have found in 2012 and assume not now compatible. Thank You
  5. blackpoolgraham

    XF 2.1 Likes on non public forums

    Just purchased the Content Ratings Add On but that hasn't helped :(
  6. blackpoolgraham

    XF 2.1 Likes on non public forums

    I haven't changed anything but was migrated over from VB, what setting would I need to change to make the Likes appear? Thank you in advance.
  7. blackpoolgraham

    XF 2.1 Likes on non public forums

    I have a section for VIP Members of my forum, is their anyway to get the Likes system to work on a non public section?
  8. blackpoolgraham


    Was going to upgrade to VB5 but thankfulluy was told to head over here first. With xenForo can I edit and add banners like I currently do in Postbit on VB4. What is the cost to migrate a large forum? Thank you in advance
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