Recent content by BlackGold

  1. BlackGold

    Very curious about XenForo

    Very curious about XenForo
  2. BlackGold

    Internet Brands claims against XenForo

    All I can say replying to this thread, Xenforo works great! Awesome demo of your software. Thanks IB for making me aware of a great non-clunky forum software. Impressive. Seriously guys, GREAT WORK!
  3. BlackGold

    Internet Brands claims against XenForo

    Hey... just asking.
  4. BlackGold

    Internet Brands claims against XenForo

    I'm a web developer, a vbulletin forum owner, joined this site yesterday, and I'm following this drama awaiting the outcome. Honestly, I think the tactic by IB may backfire, not only in popularity (PR) but also because I would like to know how they have XenForo code to prove their claims. The...
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