Recent content by Bistek

  1. Bistek

    XF 2.1 How to actually edit whats written in the Staff Member usergroup?

    Oh God, it's easier than I thought... Thanks a bunch, mates!
  2. Bistek

    XF 2.1 How to actually edit whats written in the Staff Member usergroup?

    I've searched everywhere about where to edit the prhase and haven't got I said, I'm very new to XF and coding itself. Is it under app_user_banners.less? EDIT:Oh, I think I got it here?
  3. Bistek

    XF 2.1 How to actually edit whats written in the Staff Member usergroup?

    Hello there, folks! I wanted to input something else where it says 'Staff member', in the staff usergroup, such as 'Val Gaming Staff Member': I already know the feature is edited over app_user_banners.less and in this part of the code: This could sound like a very newbie question, but I'm...
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