Recent content by Biarritz64

  1. B

    AMPXF - AMP for Xenforo 2 [Paid]

    Hi i have a ads banner on my header, how can i add it to the amp pages, it's a *.jpg thank you
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    AMPXF - AMP for Xenforo 2 [Paid]

    it worked when i disable EUGDPR, but i would like to keep it. Can you look for a fix
  3. B

    AMPXF - AMP for Xenforo 2 [Paid]

    it was already disable but i still have the popup
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    AMPXF - AMP for Xenforo 2 [Paid]

    hi @mazzly how can i remove the cookies popup
  5. B

    XF 2.2 Activity summary email

    thank you (amazing) i have Batch update users with last activity max 365 days ago and disable activity summary email then again Batch update to enable activity summary email. So now how many days i have to wait before it sends email to this members? is it egal to "start sending summary email...
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    XF 2.2 Activity summary email

    i agree with you but i give you an example before acivity summary email, i used an addon to do the job and now, the members of my community wait for new email. i am ok not to awake dormant account if members last activity was 10 years ago. but an option that can awake all member that last...
  7. B

    Lack of interest Guest posting max threads and message

    Hi to prevent lot of spams in our forum it will be nice to have an option to set max new threads allowed for guest posting and max post allowed imagine a bot come and create 1 000 threads what will happen if 10 days later he bot register to the forum?
  8. B

    XenForo - FRENCH translation [Paid]

    @Nikodak where do we download the update
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    XF 2.2 Activity summary email sql unpaused state

    Hi Is there an SQL query that can make all users in pause state to unpause state for Activity summary email?
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    Duplicate Post thread…Button should adapt to forum type

    Hi Post thread…Button should adapt to forum type for example if you are on a question type forum the button should be ask a question if you are on article forum type, button should be Post an article and on a suggestion forum type, pose a suggestion
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    XF 2.2 Change question forum icon

    hi i would like to change the icon for question forum type on forum_list How can i replace it with the default discussion icon thank you
  12. B

    XF 2.2 Question thread type remove Allow question actions

    Hi when yiou create a thread in a question type forum user can set Allow question actions yes NoNo voting or solution options will be displayed. This is primarily useful for announcements or sticky threads that aren't directly questions. PausedVoting will not be allowed and a solution cannot be...
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