Recent content by bahram40

  1. B

    XF 2.0 Force Miniature Attachment

    Hi to everbody ;) Please, how i can force users to only insert miniature image in the post. Now i can see that had 2 options, full image or miniature. Thnx for all ;)
  2. B

    XF 2.0 Where is the sitemap?

    Thx brogan. It means that all is ok. Google will index it? Thank for all ;)
  3. B

    XF 2.0 Where is the sitemap?

    Hello everyone, I am new user and I done the import vb4 to xenforo. Now all is new for me but i see that is easier that VB4. I dont understand how works the sitemap. I see that in xenforo you have a file sitemap.php, and one way for send it to google is add it into google search consele like...
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