Recent content by AnimeAi

  1. A

    Monolog Logging Service

    Does this currently produce any logs you can't access through Xenforo normally or does it start logging new things?
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    [TH] Bookmarks [Deleted]

    Do all posts/threads/media gallery items/resources have a "bookmark this" button? This was the one thing I couldn't see in your screenshots
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    [cXF] Remove Location, Website and About you field

    Is it possible to have this as a per usergroup option? I'd like to prevent accounts with less than X posts (IE before they are promoted to a new usergroup) from having the ability to enter a website link. A large number of sign ups on my old forum were the typical "sign up and add link to forum...
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    XF2 [8WR] Discord Integration [Paid]

    Very happy to see this one ported. Will be buying it when next month's patreon donations come in.
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    XF 1.5 Problem importing VBulletin 3.8 photopost into Xen Media Gallery

    Finally found the problem image and deleted it from the main photopost install - it was a pain to track down as I had to search by date (not an easy task in photopost with ~200 categories!). Thankfully it was just a single broken image, the rest imported fine. I'm now having issues with the...
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    XF 1.5 Problem importing VBulletin 3.8 photopost into Xen Media Gallery

    I've been running a test import on my site and have completed the VBulletin import. The photopost media import has hit about 50% and stalled - no more admin logs generated and no php error logs. It just sits there refreshing the page. I can't see any way to find out what it has stalled on...
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    [OzzModz] Private Threads [Paid]

    True enough I guess ;) It is one I would certainly pay for though
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    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    How long do I get updates for if I buy this one?
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    [OzzModz] Private Threads [Paid]

    This would be useful to me if all members could view but only specified members could post in the thread (roleplay forum). Any chance of this in a future version?
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    Import from VB 3.8.x and Photopost?

    Good advice. Now to wait for patreon to pay out so i can buy all the licences and plugins lol. If I have real problems with the import and decide xenforo is not going to work for me, is there a refund policy on the forum software and 3rd party plugins I buy?
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    Import from VB 3.8.x and Photopost?

    Thanks for the really useful info. I appreciate the time you're putting into helping me! I think that since the cli importer only works with the forum and may miss things I'll probably skip it and do the longer (and cheaper) official import. Regardless I'll have to do a dry run with a copy of...
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    Import from VB 3.8.x and Photopost?

    Days... Wow... that'll annoy my members. There is a big board shell importer modification for $150 I remember seeing. Does anybody have experience with how well this works to run the conversion compared to the official importers?
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    Import from VB 3.8.x and Photopost?

    Site 1 has Members: 66,216; Threads: 24,010; Posts: 2,793,744; Photos 46,870; photo Comments 251,932 Site 2 has Threads: 21,609, Posts: 2,434,012, Members: 56,715; Photos 23,335; photo Comments106,574 Site 3 has Members: 144,449; Threads: 4,754; Posts: 207,357; Photos 52,957; photo Comments...
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    Import from VB 3.8.x and Photopost?

    Wow, that's amazing. If there are importers for all that it may well have tipped my hand on which software to recommend to my team for this upgrade. Looks like it'll be a two step upgrade with first a conversion to xenforo 1.x then to 2.0... This will take a long time for my big boards. How...
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    Import from VB 3.8.x and Photopost?

    I'm currently planning to upgrade two large sites which are running on VBulletin 3.8.x and Photopost 7.x to Xenforo and media gallery. Is there a built in importer in Xenforo 2.x for these? I appreciate that all the other existing modifications installed will likely not have any viable...
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