Recent content by angelclawdust

  1. angelclawdust

    Gamer Profiles -

    Ok that sounds fair enough Any ideas about the destiny icon not linking to the destinytracker profiles properly?
  2. angelclawdust

    Gamer Profiles -

    @Steve F ive installed the addon and told it to display custom fields they all display as they should and when i hover over psn and xbox they popup all the other ones dont have a popup and also when i click the destiny image it throws an error on destinytracker saying page cant be found is...
  3. angelclawdust

    Facebook And Twitter And Google 1+ And Youtube BOX

    does anybody have or had and know the solution for the twitter tab not popping out and working? YouTube and Facebook work fine just not the twitter one
  4. angelclawdust

    Add-on Adding Alerts (XenAtendo)

    It would be a great addition imo although to be honest just a simple email alert when an event is created would be great notifying all users in a certain membergroup a new event has been added and requires attention
  5. angelclawdust

    MicroSupport Free [Deleted]

    ok thanks anyway may have to look for a menu add-on then to be able to shift it where i want it lol thanks for looking anyway :)
  6. angelclawdust

    MicroSupport Free [Deleted]

    hi there great add-on works great only thing im struggling with is finding the precise code in navigation to be able to move the support center link to the other end of the navbar only problem is it takes my tiagachat link with it <!-- extra tabs: middle --> <xen:if...
  7. angelclawdust

    Style FIFA 13 style

    im looking to find an xbox 360 FIFA 13 style or at least someone who would be willing to give it a go at making a football orientated style but based on FIFA 13 for the xbox 360 its for a clan forum and and better look when used with xenporta any ideas or suggestions?
  8. angelclawdust

    [] Xbox Live LeaderBoards

    leaderboard says 177 players 59members only how would i rectify this to reflect only the users on the site??
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