Recent content by alexis78i

  1. alexis78i

    XF 2.1 How to update user last activity?

    Hello. I have use this methods in my app \XF::start('/hc'); $app = \XF::setupApp('XF\Pub\App'); $app->start(); $s = $app->session(); $uid = $s->get('userId'); What method can I use to update the user's last activity? Thank you.
  2. alexis78i

    XF 2.1 How can I get current page in template?

    Well. Does anyone know how to get the value from $xf.request? I need to check $xf.request.input for the presence of the field I need. <xf:if is="in_array({$xf.request}, ['video'])"> ... </xf:if>
  3. alexis78i

    XF 2.1 How can I get current page in template?

    Hello, I'm trying to change H1 in resource manager custom fields. I know how to change title, I also find a place where I can change H1, but now I need a name for conditional operator for it. Maybe someone know? Thanks. <xf:if is="$titleHtml !== null"> {$titleHtml|raw} <xf:else />...
  4. alexis78i

    XF 2.0 How to create a conversation using a php?

    I know how to create an alert I do $array = array('title'=>$row_post['title'], 'id'=>$article_id, 'cm'=>$new_comment); $alertRepo = \XF::app()->repository('XF:UserAlert'); $alert = $alertRepo->alertFromUser($user_to, $user, 'user', 1, 'alert_name', $array); Now I want to start a conversation...
  5. alexis78i

    XF 2.0 CSS ParseError. Admin template does't work.

    Hello! I have two errors with the CSS parser. Admin template is no load. I really don't know what happed, i already deleted the error on line 2370. I found it on DB and delete too, but... i need help. How can i do more? Thanks! less.php/lib/Less/Parser.php:677 ParseError: Unexpected input in...
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