Recent content by alexgrist

  1. alexgrist

    Lack of interest Data portability - add more data

    The XML file provided by XenForo data portability almost definitely doesn't have enough data to fulfill a subject access request as I believe it was designed for. It's most definitely missing the logged IPs and user changes which are defined as personal data.
  2. alexgrist

    2.1 Reactions are not easily extended

    I'm not sure what the issue would be with it using the regular templates system so styles can have the reaction layout they want? I personally want to mimic the "Post Ratings" addon layout to display more than 3 reactions as well as the reaction count but currently that's handled all in...
  3. alexgrist

    Stop receiving Alerts for this profile post

    Definitely something that should've been added a long time ago, annoying to have your alerts filled without the option to unwatch m.
  4. alexgrist

    Duplicate Unwatch Profile Post

    When a user comments on a profile post that you created or a profile post you also have commented on you are not able to unwatch that profile post to prevent future alerts.
  5. alexgrist

    XF 1.4 Incorrect language for No CAPTCHA.

    For anyone else that has this issue and want to force a specific language, you'll need to go into both of the "xenforo.js" files and change the following: getScript("") to...
  6. alexgrist

    XF 1.4 Incorrect language for No CAPTCHA.

    The Accept-Language is "en-GB,en;q=0.8" so I guess it's from GeoIP.
  7. alexgrist

    XF 1.4 Incorrect language for No CAPTCHA.

    It works in French as the server is in France, however we're an English forum and so it should be in English. I'm not sure if it may be CloudFlare interfering with the script loading.
  8. alexgrist

    XF 1.4 Incorrect language for No CAPTCHA.

    Hello, I've just installed the 1.4.4 update specifically to enable the recent reCAPTCHA (No CAPTCHA) and it's rendering it in the wrong language (french) which I assume is due to the servers location being in France. I'm looking for the template that loads the captcha or that loads the...
  9. alexgrist

    Facebook makes PHP 9x faster via virtual machine (HHVM?)

    Managed to setup FasterCGI with HHVM on Ubuntu 12.04, was really easy. Although XenForo doesn't like not having MySQLi so I'll have to find some way to install it.
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