Recent content by ak38

  1. ak38

    XF 2.2 AppleBot - causing over 100,000 hits in 5 days - causing cpu limits to be hit

    Thanks @cwe I've set the delay to 20 and will check the stats in a few days, if this doesn't work is my only other option to block the bot?
  2. ak38

    XF 2.2 AppleBot - causing over 100,000 hits in 5 days - causing cpu limits to be hit

    Hi guys, I've got an issue with applebot relentlessly crawling my site causing some drain on the server cpu limits. Is there a way to slow these down or is the only solution to block the applebot ? Thanks for your help!
  3. ak38

    Official XenForo Commerce Addon: Donations, Shop, Billing, Monetizing, Ads, Subs, affiliate, etc

    This would be an immediate purchase for a lot of forum owners, myself included
  4. ak38

    [XTR] Advanced Page Slider [Paid]

    This looks really promising. A demo would definitely be useful, could you possibly post a link to a page with this live? Thanks
  5. ak38

    Poaching members

    Same here, we have no mods at all either. All members are equal and can use the report function if needed.
  6. ak38

    Image Optimizer for XF 2.0 [Paid]

    I set the 3 binary path fields in the addon options and verified them but I'm still getting very many of the errors: Any ideas how I can solve this? Thanks
  7. ak38

    Image Optimizer for XF 2.0 [Paid]

    A very helpful support from my server has given me the three binary paths and they verified okay so fingers crossed it should now be working. Where will I see the logs? Thanks again for your help
  8. ak38

    Image Optimizer for XF 2.0 [Paid]

    Hi, I don't know what this means so I'm guessing no. How and where can I do this? Thanks for your help! :)
  9. ak38

    Image Optimizer for XF 2.0 [Paid]

    Thanks, I guess this means it's running which is a positive. I'm not seeing any logs or anything under tools, I see many users in this thread showing something from tools showing how much space they've saved but I can't find anything similar. Do I wait or am I looking in the wrong place? Thanks
  10. ak38

    Image Optimizer for XF 2.0 [Paid]

    I'm finding this quite complicated to get working, I just logged into the admin and see several hundred errors like this: I'm not sure if I've setup the optimizer correctly, if it's running, how to run it or what's going on at this point so any help would be helpful. In terms of the ssh...
  11. ak38

    [TH] Holidays

    Im getting the error in the admin dash after the upgrade attempt.
  12. ak38

    [TH] Holidays

    Just upgraded a few minutes ago and im getting this error: eta: I'm upgrading from most recent version to this newer version. Thanks
  13. ak38

    XF 2.2 How do I add a sidebar to a page node

    Perfect, thanks @Brogan (y)
  14. ak38

    XF 2.2 How do I add a sidebar to a page node

    Hi there, I'm new to the page node side of things but would like to create several pages, the question is how do I add a side bar to a custom page? Thanks for your help guys!
  15. ak38

    CONTENGHT - Your Art Designation

    I like the overall design, the front page seems unfinished but shows great potential. May i ask how you acheived the front page? did you use the xenporta addon to bridge with wordpress? Good luck with your forum, the first year is the hardest then it gets easier!
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