Recent content by Ace

  1. Ace

    California Case Update

    It's really not harming the vB brand at all. Take a step outside this site, and you'll notice the number of people complaining about it is minimal (minimal enough that the chance of any random person shopping for forum software has either not heard of the case, or doesn't care about it.).
  2. Ace

    Why the constant closing of certain threads?

    Why? It's "Discussion and Feedback on Xenforo", specifically the moderation style used at Off-Topic clearly specifies it is for Non-Xenforo topics.
  3. Ace

    MyBB vs VB?

    Probably in LCF or another non-public forum at I post from memory, I have no idea where it is now sorry. Before, the code was near identical. After, it became less so.
  4. Ace

    MyBB vs VB?

    Or perhaps, as actually happened, Jelsoft issued a DCMA/Cease and Desist, and MyBB respected it and rewrote their code entirely.
  5. Ace

    California Case Update

    I doubt there would be many Defence Attourneys left if they all took their clients' word for it, and only charged if they happened to win.
  6. Ace

    10000 Registered Memebers On XenForo

    Indeed they can. It seemed as if the person I quoted was saying there was something special about Xenforo's spam preventing system.
  7. Ace

    10000 Registered Memebers On XenForo

    Well, aside from the "How did those 3.76% slip through?"
  8. Ace

    What is 'Content IP'

    Surely every device connected to that router will, at any given time, display the same IP when viewed from outside that network.. the IP given to the router when it connected to the Exchange.
  9. Ace

    Does MS even know what the "cloud" is?

    They're marketing it to consumers too now? is what we're gearing up for.
  10. Ace

    California Case Update

    But, it's only perjury if it is deliberate and intended to mislead about facts material to, or affecting the outcome of the case. I'm not sure how Ray's *current* employment status is material to the case.
  11. Ace

    Third party Can not search Chinese

    Well no, they didn't. They paid a significantly lower price for what is, in effect, a totally different product. Hence the different service.
  12. Ace

    Money back guarantee

    Represent != Make the Policies. (Did you make Policies when you were a moderator @ ?)
  13. Ace

    Reactivation fee

    So.. it would be better to wait out the 3 months between the 9th month and the 12 month, therefore avoiding the $80, and only having to pay the usual 'standard license extension'?
  14. Ace

    Counting Down to xenForo Sale!

    Kind of like posting a massive thread about how various bigwigs in the forum world are going to be meeting on April 1?
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