
  1. Foxtrek_64

    XF 2.2 Widget Save - Template titles must be unique

    Hi all, I'm probably missing something obvious here but I was hoping to get some insight here. I created a template file named character_sidebar_macro. This template does exactly as the name implies. <xf:macro name="character_sidebar" arg-name="!"...
  2. Orit

    XF 2.2 Setting default widget display conditions

    Hi :) Is there a way to set default display conditions for a widget? I've created a new widget and would like to hard code the display conditions, to make it simpler for the users (the widget should be displayed only to certain usergroups). I don't mind users changing the conditions, but would...
  3. BassMan

    [cXF] New Threads Widget Plus 1.0.0

    Description: Use the New Thread Widget with an extended option and some additional features. When displaying the New Threads Widget with an expanded option, an expandable "View more" link is available for longer posts. Features: expandable "View more" link for longer posts optional "View this...
  4. K

    Profile Posts Widget: New Comments Indicator/Comments Count on Simple Display Style

    Ok so this is a rather pedantic request but I'm asking anyways: I'd love it if it was more obvious on the profile posts widget on the simple display style when new comments are posted on a profile post which are featured on the front page. It's not obvious at all when there is and even a comment...
  5. O

    Media Wall Widget for XF Media Gallery

    Nicolas FR submitted a new resource: Media Wall Widget for XF Media Gallery - Adds a new widget to the XF Media Gallery allowing the display of a media wall. Read more about this resource...
  6. Ozzy47

    Unmaintained Media Wall Widget for XF Media Gallery 2023-04-19

    Adds a new widget to the XF Media Gallery allowing the display of a media wall. Requires the official add-on XFMG 2.2 Responsive widget recommended for wide spaces. 3 zoom out levels available to increase the number of thumbnails per line (Zoom out level will be applied to all Wall widgets)...
  7. O

    WordPress Posts + Category Widget - FRENCH translation

    Nicolas FR submitted a new resource: WordPress Posts + Category Widget - FRENCH translation - A french translation of the WordPress Posts + Category Widget add-on from kolakube. Read more about this resource...
  8. Ozzy47

    WordPress Posts + Category Widget - FRENCH translation 1.0

    French translation of the WordPress Posts + Category Widget add-on from @kolakube
  9. O

    Widget Positions for Category Pages

    Nicolas FR submitted a new resource: Widget Positions for Category Pages - Adds two widget positions on category pages: one above and one below the main content. Read more about this resource...
  10. Ozzy47

    Unmaintained Widget Positions for Category Pages 2023-04-19

    Adds two widget positions on category pages: one above and one below the main content. Note : To display a widget on a particular category page use the following conditional statement: $xf.reply.containerKey == 'node-ID' replacing ID with the category id.
  11. V

    Add-on User ladder widget

    Hi, I am looking for a user ladder addon. Basically a widget that can be placed f.e. in the sidebar or somewhere else like a widget that shows a ladder of users based on a specific criteria. For example most posts or most active or recently registered. It should look something like this: Is...
  12. O

    Widgets Between Category Nodes

    Nicolas FR submitted a new resource: Widgets Between Category Nodes - A simple add-on which allows to display widgets between forum categories. Read more about this resource...
  13. Ozzy47

    Unmaintained Widgets Between Category Nodes 2023-04-19

    A simple add-on that allows widgets to be displayed between forum categories on the homepage. 5 positions are configurable in the options with the possibility of hiding/displaying widgets according to user groups. OPTIONS: Set the category IDs under which you want to assign widget positions and...
  14. BassMan

    [cXF] Enhanced New Threads Widget 1.1.0

    Description: Use the New Threads widget as an article preview with some extra customization. This add-on extends the New threads widget to display threads in a more attractive way, to show them as featured threads or in any other way you might want to use. Check the FAQ tab on how to set it all...
  15. BassMan

    [cXF] Enhanced Search Forum Widget 1.1.0

    Description: Use the Search forum widget as an article preview with some extra customization. This add-on extends the Forum search widget to display threads in a more attractive way, to show them as featured threads or in any other way you might want to use. Check the FAQ tab on how to set it...
  16. kolakube

    WordPress Posts + Category Widget 1.0

    Show the latest posts feed from your connected WordPress blog to a clean and flexible XenForo widget. Use the simple widget settings to feature hand-picked posts and pages, show latest posts from specific categories, and link to WooCommerce store products across as many widgets as you'd like...
  17. Baby Community

    XF 2.2 what new widget i broke. I can't set it anyway Help please

    what new widget i broke. I can't set it anyway Help please
  18. O

    XF 2.2 Forum View Above Or Below Threads Widget Location?

    Is it possible to place the widget above or below the threads in forum view? I could only see the sidebar option. And what's the difference between Forum list: Above/Below nodes and Forum overview: Top/Bottom? It seems like both are the same location.
  19. A

    XF 2.2 [Sidebar Widget] How to only show recent threads with attachments only

    I want sidebar widget to show recent threads which contain attachments or links only. Not all the replies and threads without attachments. I know it require some condition to be set in widget_new_posts but I dont know. Please help
  20. O

    XF 2.2 Remove Time Limit for Latest Posts Widget

    I understand that the time limit for Latest Posts widget is based on "Read marking data lifetime" value which is 30 days by default. Is it possible to edit the templates to remove this limit? If yes, how do we do it exactly?
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