Dutch translation for XenForo 2.2 + add-ons

Dutch translation for XenForo 2.2 + add-ons 2.2.15

No permission to download
Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.1
  2. 2.2
Additional requirements
PHP upload size needs to be at least 4MB (or higher). See FAQ.
Please do not modify and redistribute this language pack without authorization from the author.
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Donations are welcome by just liking this translation or leaving a nice review, that's all! :love:

This is the latest and complete Dutch translation of XenForo 2.2

15.000+ phrases translated

It also includes the translation of various popular add-ons (bonus!).
If you don't have these add-ons, no problem. You can just import this language pack. Missing add-ons will be ignored.​

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In 2019, when XF2.1 was officialy released, there was a Dutch translation but it was far from complete. I decided to translate all missing phrases from previous translations (done by different people over the years). After completing the full translation I reviewed and refined lots of phrases so everything was aligned nicely. Right now we have a solid translation which we will try to maintain as good as possible.​

Managing languages (recommended but not necessary!)
If you want to use this language, but also want to keep your own customized phrases, I highly recommend to use the following approach. It is basically the same approach as the template system:​
This way you can frequently update the language pack 'Nederlands - origineel' while keeping your own customizations in your own language pack called 'Nederlands'. To prevent your users from selecting 'Nederlands - origineel' you can toggle the switches as shown in the image above.​
  1. Import the Dutch language pack as a new language called 'Nederlands - origineel'
  2. Create a new language pack called 'Nederlands' and make sure to use the exact same settings as 'Nederlands - origineel'
  3. Make 'Nederlands' child of 'Nederlands - origineel'
  4. Now, you can disable 'Nederlands - origineel' by toggling the switch. This prevents users from selecting this language. They will only see your customized version called 'Nederlands'
  5. If you have any customizations, put them in your child language pack 'Nederlands'
How to update:
Import this language, overwriting 'Nederlands - origineel'​
You will keep your own changes made in 'Nederlands', that's it!​
Mr. Jinx
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 8 ratings

Latest updates

  1. [2.2.15] Update

    Updated XF 2.2.15 phrases
  2. [2.2.13] Update

    Updated XF 2.2.13 phrases Updated add-on phrases Language improvements
  3. [2.2.12] Update

    Updated XF 2.2.12 phrases Full advanced cookie system translation

Latest reviews

I tried this now for almost a year and I'm very satisfied. Only had to change a few things myself, to make it to my own tast, but they were correct already anyway.
Great work, fast updates when needed, thank you very much!

Echt een aanrader, voor dat geld kun je beter al dat werk besparen en deze vertaling kopen! Thanks!
Mr. Jinx
Mr. Jinx
Thanks Black Tiger! And if you have any improvements you would like to share, please drop me a note or let it know in the resource discussion.
Truly Excellent and a must have for a dutch board. If you could perhaps one day add Dutch translations for siropu's Ad Manager 2 that would be so cool.
Mr. Jinx
Mr. Jinx
Nice, great to hear you like it. The list of add-ons is expanding, but I currently don't have access to Ad Manager 2 from @Siropu. I'll put it on the todo list.
Fantastic. Works like a champ. I love it. Thanks for all. XF 2.6. Installed it and it works with no problems.
Mr. Jinx
Mr. Jinx
Thank you codingking! We love to see the Dutch XF community growing which is great.
Just installed Xenforo and added the Dutch translation. I highly respect your work, the translation is so good! Thanks for all the effort.
Mr. Jinx
Mr. Jinx
Cool thanks. And welcome to XF!
Thanks again for your work I'm very happy with this translation! Looking forward for the complete translations of the Resources add-on too! ;-)
Mr. Jinx
Mr. Jinx
Nice to hear, thanks! XFRM is almost completed.
Thank you so much for the efford! Using your translation for about a year now and it's real good. Keep it going ;)
Mr. Jinx
Mr. Jinx
Thank you for the much work you put into supper, vbulletin does not have that. Thick thumb continue like this
Mr. Jinx
Mr. Jinx
Thanks for your kind words Tuts!
Thank you very much for the excellent Dutch translation. The right words and the right context.

Echt fantastisch!
Mr. Jinx
Mr. Jinx
Thnx, very nice to hear you like it :)
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