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I like it :)

Just one question, is there a way to change the "Staff Online Now" on the "Forums" tab to include ALL the users defined in the "Staff" tab?

I'm part of a gaming forum that uses the forum ranks to resemble the ranks that users/staff-members have in-game. We have enabled the XenStaff page and this is extremely useful to show our playerbase the total list of staff.

However, there's one minor tweak we'd like to make. If it were possible to some how change the order of the groups displayed in the XenStaff page, we'd greatly appreciate it! We are constantly changing the groups and stuff around, so being able to change the order would be a god-send!

Any help on this, or any chance of this getting implemented would be amazing.

I've encountered a problem, if you are running XenStaff and XF Optimise.

If you try to load the XenStaff page, the browser will try to load the site and ends after 30 seconds of loading with a blank page. The webserver (lighttpd) error log says:
2012-01-16 17:56:32: (mod_fastcgi.c.2701) FastCGI-stderr: PHP Fatal error:  Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /var/www/domain.com/httpdocs/library/Dark/XFOptimise/Iroha.php on line 37

The pointed line (37) in Iroha.php contains:
'</$1><', $this->_output);

Full block (if-statement in the function processOutput):
            // Strip comments
            $this->_output = preg_replace('/<!--.*?-->/s', "", $this->_output);
            // Strip whitespace around block elements
            $this->_output = preg_replace(
                '</$1><', $this->_output);
            $this->_output = preg_replace(
                '/\s*<(html|head|body|link|meta|script|div|ol|ul|form|p|table|dl|center|h\d|nav|header|footer|fieldset|li)([ >])/si',
                '<$1$2', $this->_output);       

One possible solution could be, to increase the maximum execution time of fcgi scripts (php) to more than 30 seconds. But well, it's not a very smart one. It will take quite a long time until the XenStaff page is loaded, which causes that every user who is requsting it, will have to wait.

I'm not sure, what's nescessairy to change in the quoted code of the XF Optimise addon. It would be nice, if someone could help to improve that.

I'm part of a gaming forum that uses the forum ranks to resemble the ranks that users/staff-members have in-game. We have enabled the XenStaff page and this is extremely useful to show our playerbase the total list of staff.

However, there's one minor tweak we'd like to make. If it were possible to some how change the order of the groups displayed in the XenStaff page, we'd greatly appreciate it! We are constantly changing the groups and stuff around, so being able to change the order would be a god-send!

Any help on this, or any chance of this getting implemented would be amazing.


This is a big feature I would love to see as well. It defaults to whatever order the usergroups are in, if there was a way to change that order, it would help a lot.
It will show all groups you have selected to be displayed on one page. The group name will be the heading that members belong to will show under. I may update it to allow multiple Tabs so you can have a Staff Tab, and for example a Contributors Tab at the same time.
Any update on this Lawrence, I'd quite like to have multiple tabs too.
When i tried to add this addon, I got an error
Please enter a valid callback method.

Any Solution?
Is there a way to change the link of the page?
like for example:

Use a program like Notepad ++ to do a find and replace in files. Change all occurrences of "XenStaff" to whatever term you would like. Don't forget to change "XenStaff" in the XML addon file before installing.
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