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XenForo and CodeIgniter Integration


Jerry: why is CodeIgniter easier than ZendF ?
Much more lightweight, easier to learn, no auto code generation so you know what's in there - because you wrote it - it's less capable with regard to libraries and community support and expansion I'd say.

Though for 80% of what people do, DX auth/tank auth/a3m & CodeIgniter and you're good to go.

ZF is very expansive and slow to get going on for most coders I've talked with about it.
Awesome. I have done the same type of thing with vb3 and also vb4 and was going to check this out. Thanks!
Jerry, for the epic win.
Now let's hope IB didn't have a CI+XenForo integration planned for vB5 !!
Sorry to bump up a year old thread. I'm trying to use Jerry's code on a Codeigniter based site however it looks like any code igniter commands that are run after loading in the xf_auth library dont work, as it is trying to run them as part of xenforo.

For example, a simple test controller in CI:

class Test extends Public_Controller
    public $data;
    public function __construct()
    function index()
            echo "You're logged in to XenForo !" .
            " User id :: " . $this->xf_auth->getUserId() .
            " username :: " . $this->xf_auth->get('username') .
            " email :: " . $this->xf_auth->get('email');
            echo "You are not logged in";

With that model line there, I get this error:
You're logged in to XenForo ! User id :: 1 username :: Rick email :: xxxxxx@xxxxxx.com
An exception occurred: Only variables should be passed by reference in /Volumes/User Drive/htdocs/xxxxxxxxxx/site/system/cms/libraries/MX/Loader.php on line 178
XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in /Volumes/User Drive/htdocs/xxxxxxxxxx/site/system/cms/libraries/MX/Loader.php at line 178
MX_Loader->model() in /Volumes/User Drive/htdocs/xxxxxxxxxx/site/addons/shared_addons/modules/xxx/controllers/test.php at line 37
call_user_func_array() in /Volumes/User Drive/htdocs/xxxxxxxxxx/site/system/codeigniter/core/CodeIgniter.php at line 352
require_once() in /Volumes/User Drive/htdocs/xxxxxxxxxx/site/index.php at line 259

Any ideas? Completely stumped. The XenForo integration seems to be working, but anything after that fails.
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