XenForo 2.0 Discussion

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Well, I guess that puts more perspective on it then. Thanks for posting, folks. I'll have to do some soul searching and figure something out, but I'll never give up and raise the white flag on my own love of desktop though. Just like Dido.
It really depends on the person. I'd venture that a lot of people are only interested in consuming these days. But when they do create content from there mobile devices, it's somewhere in the 144 character limit. Though, I do know people who create lengthy posts from their mobile device.


Posted from by self-built desktop

Exactly, lurkers are members too, many of whom check in on their phone multiple times a day while at work (separate from their office PC), out and about or commuting. :)
It really depends on the person. I'd venture that a lot of people are only interested in consuming these days. But when they do create content from there mobile devices, it's somewhere in the 144 character limit. Though, I do know people who create lengthy posts from their mobile device.
One of my sites has a user who semi-regularly writes +10000 word chapters of story content on a mobile. :confused:
I often end up writing mega posts on mobile when commuting or in front of the TV, but then get frustrated trying to edit out typos or finalising formatting or looking for quotes. Luckily the XF draft system saves me, I just whip open my laptop and finish editing there before submission, 90% of the post creation was on the phone though.
Nothing can replace my PC, nothing. The speed and ease of doing things on my PC is what I prefer personally. But more and more over the last 2 years I have started using my phone to browse my own (and the XF) forums. On my own community I moderate, reply to important posts or messages and keep an eye on things. The first thing I do when I wake up is spend 10 to 15 minutes laying on the bed getting rid of the laziness by going through any active reports/replying profile messages on my community.

I have started using my phone more than before for tasks. I still prefer my PC for posting long messages and handling/organizing other things but being fed content by phone is great. I had the "I am only a PC" guy mentality but that changed slowly. Even now I am using my phone just before I go to bed to read up on XF stuff.

My community recieves 65% traffic from mobile and 28% for desktops. The rest is tablets or other devices.

My dad who never used a smartphone until 4 years back now does everything via his smartphone. WhatsApp to stay in touch with friends and business contacts, emails, news, entertainment apps. A year back he used to carry newspapers every morning with him to the bathroom! And now, he has 2/3 news apps that beep all day and keep him updated.

Mobile audience, like it or not, is going to continue growing. Serving content to them becomes more and more important.
What about the content creators ?

The PC users write the content the smartphone users read.
Mobile device users create content too, as others have said already. I've come across PC users on several forums that create a lot poorer posts than those who are posting on mobile devices.

Don't assume that PC users are the superior content creators, the world is changing and there are an increasing number of mobile content creators thanks to improvements in mobile technology.
Don't assume that PC users are the superior content creators, the world is changing and there are an increasing number of mobile content creators thanks to improvements in mobile technology.
I think they are and I base that on ones ability to created and edit better on a full screen PC apposed to squinting at a mobile device. The fascination with a mobile in the past few years is based purely on it's mobility compared to a desk top. And the majority of mobile users in the past few years use it for distracting their attention from what goes on around them. In my opinion if the sat down at a PC for any length of time and were attentive, constructive contributors to a forum, they would soon switch to using a PC to post.
I don't use a mobile and know of several who had but recently had become so frustrated with its inadequacies for meaningful content creation have returned to the PC usage.
What about SwiftKey?

That is a game changer for fast input on a mobile device?
Indeed and other keyboards, including the Android default one, now have fast text input with very good word prediction and swipe input. Then of course there's voice input which is much better than it used to be.

I don't use a mobile
This. You base assumptions without actually using a mobile device yourself. I use both mobile and PC. I know from experience that it's quite possible to write decent posts on mobile devices. Yes, for posts consisting of thousands of words a full PC will be better purely for speed and screen size. However, most users, no matter the device they use, typically don't write posts of this length. For the typical content that is created by many users of a couple or so paragraphs of a few sentences each, mobile devices are more than capable of writing these without difficulty.
What about the content creators ?

The PC users write the content the smartphone users read.
I think they are and I base that on ones ability to created and edit better on a full screen PC apposed to squinting at a mobile device. The fascination with a mobile in the past few years is based purely on it's mobility compared to a desk top. And the majority of mobile users in the past few years use it for distracting their attention from what goes on around them. In my opinion if the sat down at a PC for any length of time and were attentive, constructive contributors to a forum, they would soon switch to using a PC to post.
I don't use a mobile and know of several who had but recently had become so frustrated with its inadequacies for meaningful content creation have returned to the PC usage.
I have some members who own only a smartphone/use their smartphone majority of the time and create great content. People using PC's at work tend to write shorter posts compared to regular smartphone users. Sometimes after finding out that a certain member uses only a phone and doesn't own a pc/laptop, I'm amazed myself.
Mobile device users create content too, as others have said already. I've come across PC users on several forums that create a lot poorer posts than those who are posting on mobile devices.

Don't assume that PC users are the superior content creators, the world is changing and there are an increasing number of mobile content creators thanks to improvements in mobile technology.

In one of the communities I work on the users create a lot of videos and upload them, often to YouTube and Vimeo, but just as often direct to the facebook group (bah!), one of the most prolific video uploaders does all his editing on his phone, and it's some of the best content.

I'd love to see better native video upload and playback direct to posts in XF2 at some point.

It's great for troubleshooting threads in hobby forums where users want to record a few seconds or minutes of a problem with a product to get feedback from the community. Or a fan made video that's a few minutes long.

That's a big advantage fbook groups still has over hobby/product forums. Video content creation is growing incredibly fast along with mobile. They kind of go hand in hand as much of the video content is now created using our mobile devices.
I find on forums length of post rarely equates to quality of post.

In fact I often ignore very long posts when the opening paragraph waffles on a bit.

It's great discipline to have to say what you have to say concisely.
I have some members who own only a smartphone/use their smartphone majority of the time and create great content.
I'm not questioning the greatness of content, however grammatical errors are higher due to mobile user not willing to scroll thru their content to edit and correct errors.
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