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WordPress 3 Bridge

I have a problem. I have added the path to my installation and the global salt to wordpress, but the plugin doesn't seem to recognise my xF user table. Any ideas?!

If I am reading this correctly, this bridges Xenforo to Wordpress, but that means that it will only use members from the forum to the WP site.. Is there a bridge that goes the other way.. WP to Xenforo? I have a site that has been established for over a year and I have quite a few members on the site, it seems it would be an issue to have to move them all over. Maybe I missed something?

Also will the privs match with WP?

Is this a new feature coming to this plugin? Many people have asked for this type of functionality yet no one seems interested in it. There is huge potential and many websites already run on Wordpress and don't want to give up there user database because they have Wordpress plugins which make use of it. They simply want a bridge from Wordpress to Xenforo so they can add a forum onto their site! People will pay for this functionality and as a premium mod it would sell many copies. I think if this plugin could work the other way around, as you suggest, it would be very valuable.
I have a problem. I have added the path to my installation and the global salt to wordpress, but the plugin doesn't seem to recognise my xF user table. Any ideas?!


Anybody have any ideas? :)
Dear XFRocks, dear all

I've tried the installation and went through all the steps as per your first post, XFRocks.
Unfortunately, although I guess everything works fine and the WP plugin doesn't auto-disable, my fear is that it ain't working well.

I'm currently logged into the XF setup on my site, but if I swap to the main site, I can see that no user is connected (the login screen appears, and no bar at the top of the site is shown)

Is there anything special I should know to get this working? My WP version is 3.3... thanks mate!


I'm trying to get Xenforo and Wordpress to come together in holy matrimony, but the wordpress side of the site doesn't recognise that the user is logged in. I followed your instructions using the 1st and 2nd salt method that you described.

I'm using Wordpress 3.3.1 with a theme that supports BuddyPress (which is installed). I have also tried to deactivate BuddyPress and use the general Twenty Eleven theme but still no joy.

my forum is set to a subdomain, but installed in the same directory as wordpress. Could this make a clash?
I'm trying to get Xenforo and Wordpress to come together in holy matrimony, but the wordpress side of the site doesn't recognise that the user is logged in. I followed your instructions using the 1st and 2nd salt method that you described.
my forum is set to a subdomain, but installed in the same directory as wordpress. Could this make a clash?

mmm does the xenforo plugin admin page on the WP dashboard states that the path has been found? (it should appear in a green font aside).

However, alhtough this happens to me, I cannot make it work as well under WP latest version. I'll have to abandon this xfrocks' addon and purchase the premium one.. :( it's a pity

Thanks Marco,

Xenforo Plugin says it has found the path. Shame it doesn't work on the latest version.

When you say Premium Plugin, do you mean the XenScripts one? Does it work with the latest version?
yes, I mean it... but actually I'm also a bit disappointed by XenScript's pre-sales support which didn't yet replied to me (well, maybe cause I'm used to other companies/sites like xenforo.com where you get kinda real time one).

I've asked them a few questions... I'll keep you posted. If you manage to gather more info pls let me know :)

yes, I mean it... but actually I'm also a bit disappointed by XenScript's pre-sales support which didn't yet replied to me (well, maybe cause I'm used to other companies/sites like xenforo.com where you get kinda real time one).
I've answered your questions.
I think you need to try the bridge before you judge xenscripts.
I've answered your questions.
I think you need to try the bridge before you judge xenscripts.

hey guys, no personal stuff here!
I was just simply saying - in a language which is not truly mine, sorry - that I am in love with xenForo's customer support on the forum, which is provided nearly real time and that's awesome! :)

I'll surely have a try, but I do guess that XenScripts' one is simply the best one, as it is the only one which looks reliable and used out there on the market.

Take care,
I've answered your questions.
I think you need to try the bridge before you judge xenscripts.

hey Digital Doctor,

how many days did it take - in your case - to get the XenScript item after purchasing it? I'm thinking about opening a PayPal mediation (don't know how to say it in ENG) because it's nearly one day I still didn't get anything from XenScripts:

- no replies to my Forum questions
- no download button
- no download link via mail
- no replies via email (sent one directly to that James)

So I do hope it's only a misunderstanding or problem on my side - and I'm of course going to say why this has gone that way and admit if there's fault on my side - but honestly speaking, I would expect a much better and faster (what about saying INSTANT?) service, as my money have already been taken away from my Mastercard.

This is not really an issue for this thread.

Please take it to the xenscripts site.
Well after readin the 36 pages, here are my questions. I would really appreciate your advice.

I have WP 3.3.1 in http://site.com
I have XF 1.1.2 in http://site.com/forum

In WP I have users, some are admins, some are editors. All of them write news daily, so those accounts are needed.

In XF I have 6000 users, normal users. Also I have Admin and moderators. All the other admins and editors, does not have a XF account.

If I install this, how will it work ?

- The WP users will be able to login as usual ?
- What happen to the accounts in XF for the users that already have a WP account ?
- The 6000 normal users in XF will be suscribers, right ?
- All XF registered the users will be able to comment in WP using XF credentials ?
- All XF registered the users will be able to comment in WP with XF avatar ?
- All guests (not registered) will be able to comment in WP as usual ?

Does this plugin plays with WP database and add things, delete or modify something ?

Will it install widgets into WP without giving me the choice to do so ?

I use W3TC for cache in WP, is that a problem ?

I have everything in spanish, is there a conflict with that ?

I want to have 2 independent platforms as I have now, but integrated users, that way I can add to WP extra functions for registered users.

My site is 11 years old and of course I don't want to finish with a mess.

Thanks in advance.

  1. WP users won't be able to login. You will have to ask them to create a new account in XenForo with the same username before the integration
  2. If the usernames are identical, they will be recognized as usual
  3. Yes
  4. Yes
  5. Yes
  6. Yes
This will add a new record to WP user table for each XF user the first time they visit WP.
No, widgets will be made available but you have to enable to use it.
W3TC has been tested long before with success (you read the thread so I guess you knew this). Recent versions are not tested though.
All tests are done in English but other language shouldn't be a problem.
All in all, I suggest you to do a test sites with both XenForo and WP before going for it. Bad things happen you know :)

  1. WP users won't be able to login. You will have to ask them to create a new account in XenForo with the same username before the integration
  2. If the usernames are identical, they will be recognized as usual
  3. Yes
  4. Yes
  5. Yes
  6. Yes
This will add a new record to WP user table for each XF user the first time they visit WP.

No, widgets will be made available but you have to enable to use it.
W3TC has been tested long before with success (you read the thread so I guess you knew this). Recent versions are not tested though.
All tests are done in English but other language shouldn't be a problem.
All in all, I suggest you to do a test sites with both XenForo and WP before going for it. Bad things happen you know :)

Thanks :)
A few questions. I just purchased this addon.

I would like to set up multisite on wordpress so users are able to have their own blogs. What do I need to do?

I would like www.domain.com to have wordpress installed in the root directory with /board being xenforo. When a user logs in, their account is created so they can surf www.domain.com as a user (post comments, etc), but when they go to www.domain.com/username or www.domain.com/blog/username it has their own wordpress system ready for them to start posting.

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