Why are you running an EOL version of PHP?

Why are you still running an EOL version of PHP?

  • I don't have access to upgrade PHP myself, and the server owner won't do it for me

    Votes: 7 4.9%
  • I can't upgrade because other software I use requires an old version of PHP

    Votes: 22 15.5%
  • I lack the technical know-how to upgrade PHP

    Votes: 6 4.2%
  • I don't consider updating PHP to be particularly important

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • I’m running PHP 7.latest and that’s fine for me

    Votes: 15 10.6%
  • I’m running PHP 8 🥳

    Votes: 91 64.1%

  • Total voters
I voted for "I can't upgrade because other software I use requires an old version of PHP" but my answer is missing.

The problem I have are addons. I use quite of few addons which I can't live without. Truely essential for me. And they are either private or unsupported which means I can't just upgrade PHP and have some of my addons not working. I rely too much on them and fear they are will break once I upgrade.
Have you managed to set up a staging site to test them on that to at least get the errors, if there are any?

You might be able to get some community support depending on the issues.
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Have you managed to set up a staging site to test them on that to at least get the errors, if there are any?
Yes, I do test on xampp.
However, some other addons (example) require you to run specific versions of PHP, so even testing doesn't mean much. Because either you upgrade PHP and pray or you can't run some addons at all.

This is why I had to switch from the safe PHP 7.3 to 7.4 and one unsupported addon had some problems with it. Not to mention that it already had problems with XF 2.2 update, but what can one do? That unsupported addon (attachments related) is worth more than 50 other addons.

Other problems are even supported/maintained addons are not ready yet. Even if I wanted, I have to wait for them to give the green light.

You might be able to get some community support depending on the issues.
Nah, don't think so. "Contact the author" is the response since it requires most of the time people with knowledge in PHP/developing. And sadly there are not many people left to help out.
I always run the latest versions, unless it's alpha or beta.
So you are running PHP 8.2.4 now?
Well, i do so. No Problems so far... :D

I also have php 7.4 running, because Wordpress addons are no longer updated and so if you switch to a higher PHP version, the whole site would no longer work as it currently does.

So as long as there are no really relevant problems in terms of security, the effort to set up the whole (WordPress) page again is not worth it.
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So as long as there are no really relevant problems in terms of security, the effort to set up the whole (WordPress) page again is not worth it.

PHP 7.4 is no longer receiving security updates, and running old unmaintained wordpress plugins is probably the worst possible thing you can do for your site as far as security goes
PHP 7.4 is no longer receiving security updates, and running old unmaintained wordpress plugins is probably the worst possible thing you can do for your site as far as security goes
I completely agree.
But it's not my fault that more and more software on the Internet is too quickly unusable.
Only those who can pass on their expenses, e.g. to customers, can react at short notice and completely change projects.

This is definitely too short notice, as if it were garbage - at least if you want to implement free projects and are dependent on add-ons that require a certain version of PHP.

"Each release branch of PHP is fully supported for two years" (...)

Or optional get:
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on requirements page it says 8.0, so assuming that means 8.0 or above?

As far as XF is concerned, PHP 8.1 is not yet approved so it's not guaranteed to work but ensure you are on the latest release which is 2.2.12.

This is from January of this year, a month after the latest release, which frankly is absurd given that PHP 8.0 active support has already ended, and it's only receiving security updates. That said, we've used XenForo on PHP 8.1 without issue
on requirements page it says 8.0, so assuming that means 8.0 or above?

No, the current version is only "certified" for 8.0.X line from my understanding. It CAN run under the newer versions, but there can be (and have been) issues reported due to the newer versions of PHP. It has not been tested against them officially.
Realize... just because PHP has "eol'd" what they a certain version, certain operating systems providers maintain their supported line for longer. Where this comes into play is more for those running a VPS or a dedicated server. For people on shared hosting they are at the mercy of their hosting provider.
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