Where to change the colors of links

Can you be a little more specific?

Do you mean links in posts?
Links on the thread page?
Links in the member card?

Essentially all of the colours are controlled in the Style Properties in the ACP.
Hyperlinks in posts are controlled by the style properties, but I'm not sure which one it is.

A good tip for finding out which colour is used where is to change them individually to something which stands out, e.g. bright pink.
Then check around the board to see what has changed.

At this point in time it's going to require a bit of investigative work to see which style property is used where.
In vb4 they are named:

As you suggested i have tried to change whatever i could, but so far no effect. Maybe its a bug i don't know
The color of links (a:link and a:visited) is controlled by the primaryMedium color palette. But since it's a palette, it controls the color of a lot more elements of a page, besides hyperlinks.
Yes of course. The css for that is present is "xenforo.css" template. But I don't think editing the css templates directly is a good idea. Haven't checked the style system extensively so I don't know where exactly you can add your own css.

a:link, a:visited {
	color: #ff0000;
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