XF 2.2 User Promotion "Promoted Member" and Node Without "Count messages posted in this forum toward user total"

Steve Freides

Active member
We run a user promotion entitled "Promoted Member" that was given as an example when we first started using XenForo in 2015 if memory serves. It's pretty simple - the "Apply this promotion while ..." is based on whether the user has posted at least 3 times. If they have, they are added to a group called Verified.

My problem is that our forum has a couple of nodes for which "Count messages posted in this forum toward user total" is not enabled, and if a user posts only in one of those forums, the promotion doesn't run for them. IOW, the "Count messages ..." totals is used for this as well as for other purposes - but we don't want it to be.

Is there any workaround for this? I don't want certain nodes to count towards a user's total except for the purposes of this promotion, wherein I'd like all message to count.

Thanks in advance for your replies.

You could just enable post count. People padding post counts is a thing of the past. And people people caring about those numbers also is.
Ours is a fitness-related forum where people use two of our forum nodes to maintain a training log. It's these that I don't count because we otherwise use a trophy/points/user_title_ladder system and people have said they find that valuable, to see how many points users have accrued, as represented by their title, as a way of measuring how good the advice they're receiving might be. We give some points for length of time as a registered member and some points for the number of posts, and some points for reaction scores.

Not sure if this helps, but there's an add-on that adds additional criteria you can use for your promotions. So maybe you will see something here you can use instead of post count:
If your forum members use reactions, could you use "reaction score" for your promotion instead of post count? For example, it seems likely that someone with a reaction score of more than 10 has posted at least twice...
If your forum members use reactions, could you use "reaction score" for your promotion instead of post count? For example, it seems likely that someone with a reaction score of more than 10 has posted at least twice...
It's really the same issue because people on our forum routinely follow each other's training logs - those threads that I don't include in post counts - and Like them, and again that's what I want to exclude from the user promotion.

Although, that said, you might have a good enough point here - it might be closer to what I'd like, even if it's not exactly what I asked for.

Maybe not suitable for you bug I thought I would mention in case…I would use profile posts for something like training logs
I hadn't considered that - we don't use profile posts for much. But our training log posts are often commented on by others - questions asked, suggestions offered, etc. I'm not sure a profile post is really designed for such things, although I do recall one can comment on a profile post. We have people quoting each other and all the kind of stuff you'd have on a normal thread.

They are already a list. They have no titles to show any other way, really.
Do you mean the latest profile post list?

I was thinking more of a list of the actual profiles themselves, which is basically a member list. But I was assuming it would be necessary to filter only those ones with training logs.
I don't think it solves the original issue though. If they end up using PP instead of the forum, they STILL will not be promoted for post count if all they do is post there. Which was the issue. Members only posting stats as a new member.
Nah, getting people to post there can work. My members post their Happy Birthdays directly on profiles. I don't think it was the notice that did it, it was the fact that others saw others do it so now it is commonplace. If you want the PP pages to be fitness logs, it can be done.
Profile posts support almost the same content as thread posts - mentions, quotes, media, reactions, etc.
My largest training log post is on page 155, shows "3k" as the number of replies. Started in September, 2015, just a couple of weeks after we switched to XF.

Would that work?

I am willing to experiment and try creating my own training log as a profile post and see what that does and how it works.

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